Page 279 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 279


247                                                                   盌口外撇,弧腹下收,底部收為小圈足。外壁施褐彩,內壁綠彩,碧
A green and yellow glazed serving bowl                                綠富有光澤。遼三彩基本取法于唐三彩,並在其基礎上有所發展,形
Liao Dynasty                                                          成自身的風格,具有強烈的民族特徵。
Potted with deep sides, raised on a short foot and rising to an
everted rim, the interior covered with a deep green glaze, decorated
with two incised bands on the lower half of the body around the
amber-glazed exterior.
16cm diam.

HK$20,000 - 30,000
US$2,600 - 3,900

遼 素面三彩盌

                                                                      the feng wen tang collection of early chinese Ceramics | 277
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