Page 275 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 275

243                                                                     A Changsha jar, with a more cylindrical body painted with similar
A rare Changsha painted lobed jar                                       roundels, in the Yangzhou Museum, Jiangsu Province, is illustrated
Tang Dynasty                                                            in Zhongguo mei shu fen lei quan ji: The Complete Works of Chinese
The rounded body applied with a pair of small loop handles at each      Ceramics Vol.6, Shanghai, 2000, no.39.
side, decorated around the exterior with spotted roundels in milky
blue and dark-brown, some placed centrally within large scale-          The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
patterns, all below the cylindrical neck and flared mouth rim, covered  no.P104z74 is consistent with the dating of this lot.
overall with a pale grey-green glaze.
20cm high                                                               口沿外撇,直頸,折肩,弧腹下漸收,腹部作瓜棱,對稱的四部分。
HK$80,000 - 120,000                                                     裝飾。本器在彩繪和造型方面均很好的體現出長沙窯特點。
US$10,000 - 15,000
唐 長沙鐵銅飾瓜棱罐                                                              並出版於香港東方陶瓷協會編,《馳騁古今:中國藝術的仿摹與創
exhibited 展覽:                                                           窯罐,造型偏圓筒形但其串珠紋與本器相似,見《中國美術分類全
University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, 14      集:中國陶瓷全集5》,上海,2000年,圖版39。
October – 17 December 2006,
illustrated 出版:                                                         與本圖錄之定代符合。
Art and Imitation in China, University Museum and Art Gallery, The
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2006, p.286, no.166.

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