Page 57 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 57

123                                                                      The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
An unusual green-glazed lobed jar and cover                              no.P111h26 is consistent with the dating of this lot.
Tang Dynasty/Five Dynasties
The tapered globular jar potted with lobed sides, the concave cover      器蓋與器身子母口相合,器蓋中部下凹,並有一圓鈕。器身肩部出棱
with a tall rounded finial, covered overall in a dark olive-green glaze  一周,腹部上鼓下收,瓜棱狀,圈足。通體施釉,但不到足底。整器
pooling thickly above the foot, exposing the buff-coloured body.         造型規整,釉料在出棱間遊蕩,發色深淺不一,令小罐別有特色。
11.6cm high (2).
HK$50,000 - 70,000                                                       與本圖錄之定代符合。
US$6,500 - 9,000

唐/五代 青釉瓜棱形蓋罐

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