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125                                                                     Lotus-petal designs became increasingly popular on ceramics with
                                                                        the the spread of Buddhism. Compare a Five Dynasties dated Yueyao
A rare small Yueyao ‘lotus-bud’ jar and cover                           bowl and stand, with similar lotus-petal decoration, excavated from the
Five Dynasties                                                          pagoda in the Yunyan Temple, Huqiu Hill, Suzhou, Jiangsu province,
                                                                        in the Suzhou Museum, illustrated in Zhongguo mei shu fen lei quan
The ovoid body decorated with overlapping lotus petals, rising to a     ji: The Complete Works of Chinese Ceramics Vol.6, Shanghai, 2000,
flat shoulder applied with four small loop handles, covered overall in  no.209. This form of decoration was popular and used at various
a thin pale olive-green glaze, the similarly glazed cover with a small  kilns, including Longquan. A Longquan funerary vessel with similar
branch handle.                                                          lotus petals and incised details, in the Victoria and Albert Museum, is
11.5cm high                                                             illustrated by Rose Kerr, Song Dynasty Ceramics, London, 2004, p.21,
HK$200,000 - 300,000
US$26,000 - 39,000                                                      瓶直口微斂,平肩,肩上作四系,圈足,蓋以蓮藕為鈕,肩上有四貫

五代 青釉仰覆蓮紋蓋罐                                                             系,瓶肩部以及瓶身以仰覆蓮瓣紋為飾,層層疊疊,通體施青釉,圈

The Yue stoneware kilns, originally located in Northern Zhejiang        足處露出灰白色胎,釉色青中帶灰,釉面有細小開片,釉薄而光亮。
Province, produced wares with green glazes which were highly valued
and used as tribute for the Imperial court. The ware was also exported  蓮瓣紋裝飾應是受到宗教影響,其他使用仰覆蓮瓣紋裝飾的例子,
to foreign markets in the Middle East and in South East Asia. During
the Five Dynasties period, despite the civil unrest and turbulence,     可見上虞市博物館藏一件越窯青釉刻花蓋盂,以及義烏市博物館藏
production of high-quality Yue wares flourished and peaked. Like lot
126, the present lot is a fine example of the high quality translucent  另一件越窯蓋罐,見張柏主編,《中國出土瓷器全集9:浙江》,北
soft olive-green glaze which the Yue potters achieved.                  京,2008年,圖166及175。另見一件蘇州雲巖寺塔出土一件五代
                                                                        現,維多利亞及阿伯特博物館藏一例,見Rose Kerr,《Song Dynasty

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