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124                                                                       These vessels, distinctive for the chicken-headed spouts and
                                                                          compressed globular bodies, were originally modelled after metal
A very rare Yueyao iron-decorated ‘chicken-head’                          prototypes. While several of the above examples are decorated with
ewer                                                                      iron-spots to the tips of the spouts and handles, those with iron-spot
Five Dynasties                                                            decoration that simulates beaded chains are much rarer. Compare a
                                                                          ewer of the same form, with similar iron-spot decoration, illustrated
The globular body with a short neck rising to a cup-shaped mouth,         in Zhongguo mei shu fen lei quan ji: The Complete Works of Chinese
the sides with a curved handle opposite a short chicken-head spout,       Ceramics Vol.4, Shanghai, 2000, no.148.
between a pair of small loop handles at the shoulder, covered overall
with a grey-green glaze with brown iron-spots.                            壺盤口,雞首狀短流,鼓腹,平底,俗稱「雞首壺」。肩部兩側有橋
15.5cm high
HK$400,000 - 600,000
US$52,000 - 77,000                                                        綴褐彩。

五代 越窯青瓷點彩雞首壺                                                              雞首壺始見於西晉,與羊首壺同類。早期壺的流口多為實心,不能出
Yueyao ewers of this form and type were popular in the earlier Eastern    蘇省南京古墓曾出土幾件相關器物,見《文物》,1972年,頁37,圖
Jin Dynasty, with several examples excavated from tombs in Nanjing,       15及1998年第5期,頁8,圖12和13。更多例子,參見耶魯大學美術
Jiangsu Province and subsequently published in Wenwu 1972,                館藏一件草灰釉執壺及舊金山亞洲藝術博物館藏一件青釉執壺,著錄
p.37, fig.15; 1998:5, p.8, fig.12 and 13. A related ewer covered in a     於《Chinese Ceramics, From the Paleolithic Period through the Qing
buff-green glaze, in the Yale University Art Gallery, and another with a  Dynasty》,紐哈芬,2010年,頁181,圖4.21和4.22。另見一件東晉
bluish-green glaze in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, are both     越窯雞頭壺,紐約佳士得,2005年9月20日,拍品編號168。
illustrated in Chinese Ceramics, From the Paleolithic Period through the
Qing Dynasty, Yale University Press New Haven, 2010, p.181, fig.4.21      雞頭壺的造型始見於金屬器皿上,常見有褐彩斑點綴於壺口和手柄
and 4.22. Another Eastern Jin related example was sold at Christie’s      上。此拍品的壺身所點綴的褐彩斑類似金屬器上的珠鏈,乃十分罕
New York, 20 September 2005, lot 168.                                     見。可參考一件相似的例子,見《中國美術分類全集:中國陶瓷全集

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