Page 82 - Bonhams Hong Kong Fine Chinese Works of Art December 2 2021
P. 82

The recessed-leg table is among the best-known and recognisable   案為圓材,案面格角榫攢邊框,鑲兩拼面心板,邊抹冰盤沿上舒下斂,
           forms found in classical Chinese furniture construction. The simple   至三分之一處內縮至底壓一窄邊線,素牙頭,橫棖兩根,全身光素,木
           yet elegant lines of the design make it the best epitome of scholars’   紋緻密,渾厚圓實。
           fondness for unassuming and functional furniture.
           The particular use of thick, substantial sections of huanghuali for the   又最富多樣性,可作為畫案、條案、各式承具實用,又影響了其他形制
           top, frame, aprons and legs, and the fine grain and the rich honey-  的設計線條。在明代工匠鉅著《魯班經》中,將平頭案稱為「一字桌式」,
           colour tone of the timber, show that it would have been made for a   實為天字第一號的基本線條版樣。腿足縮進安裝,四腿微微外撇,除
           high-rank official or a wealthy literati family.   了增加結構的穩定性外,亦為簡約的平行的線條增加幾分動感,見柯
                                                             律格著,《Chinese Furniture》,倫敦,1988年,頁47。平頭案中要有相當
           The basic proportions were adaptable to make large and smaller   寬度才可稱為畫案,此件黃花梨平頭案寬73.5公分,較普通的平頭案
           tables, benches and stools. This iconic Ming design is referred to in the  更寬,用料厚實,整體穩重,可作為畫案使用,十分難得。
           ‘Classic of Lu Ban’ Lu Ban Jing, a carpentry manual dating to the early
           Ming dynasty, as a ‘Character One Table’ due to its similarity in profile   參看一件類似的十七世紀黃花梨夾頭榫平頭案(121.9 x 40cm),著
           to the single horizontal stroke of the Chinese character for the number   錄於王世襄著,《明式家具研究》,北京,2007年,乙81。英國維多利
           ‘one’; see C.Clunas, Chinese Furniture, London, 1988, p.47. Large   亞及阿伯特博物館藏一件十七世紀的黃花梨畫案,較此拍品長但更
           tables are often inaccurately labelled as painting tables. However, to   窄(180 x 45 cm),著錄於C.Clunas,《Chinese Furniture》,倫敦,1988
           be considered a practical painting table, such as the present lot, which  年,頁46,圖28。另見形制、尺寸與本拍品非常接近的一對明代黃花梨
           measures 73.5cm (29 in) deep, the surface must be broad enough   夾頭榫小畫案(120 x 73cm),著錄於伍嘉恩,《明式家具經眼錄》,北
           to accommodate a large painting and the stationery associated with   京,2916年,頁57。
           painting and calligraphy, such as ink cakes, ink stones, ink holders,
           water pots, brush rests and washers.

           For a similar but narrower (121.9 x 40cm deep) huanghuali recessed-
           leg table, 17th century, see Wang Shixiang, Mingshi jiaju yanjiu, Beijing,
           2007, pl.yi-81. See also another wider but narrower huanghuali
           painting table (180 x 54cm), 17th century, in the Victoria and Albert
           Museum, illustrated by C.Clunas, Chinese Furniture, London, 1988,
           p.46. fig.28. See also a very similar pair of huanghuali painting tables
           (120 x 73cm), Ming dynasty, illustrated by G. W. Bruce, Ming Furniture
           Through My Eyes, Beijing, 2016, p.57.

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