Page 134 - Bonhams Cornette Saint Cyr, Property from the estate of Jean-Pierre Rousset (1936-2021)
P. 134
Gilles Béguin and Jean-Pierre Rousset at his Paris apartment, New Year's Eve 1994
TÊTE DE DIVINITÉ MASCULINE EN GRÈS Cette tête plus grande que nature présente un visage plus doux, plus
Cambodge, époque angkorienne, style de Pré Rup, Xe siècle naturaliste et plus serein que celui du style antérieur du Koh Kher. Le
Pre Rup est un temple hindou à Angkor au Cambodge, construit pour
A SANDSTONE HEAD OF MALE DEITY le roi khmer Rajendravarman (règne 944-968) et consacré en 961 ou
Cambodia, Angkor Period, style of Pre Rup, 10th century début 962. Cette tête puissamment sculptée reflète le concept du Roi-
The eyebrow arches come together in a single soft line, the nostrils Dieu (Deva-Raja), un système de gouvernement originaire de l’Inde qui
slightly flared, eyes defined with a delicate line and fleshy mouth with a atteint des sommets sous l’Empire khmer (802-1437 de notre ère).
a very slight smile and faint suggestion of a moustache. Two bands of Bien qu’ils aient été consacrés sous la protection de la divinité hindoue
hair protrude from the diadem descending on the temples to continue Shiva, les Khmers s’identifiaient plus étroitement à Vishnu, protecteur
with a beard defined as a dotted line, finishing in a point at the centre de l’ordre universel. En effet, la divinité prenait souvent l’apparence de
of the chin. The elongated earlobes are pierced and may have been certains souverains khmers.
adorned with cast metal pendants. The head is adorned with a royal
diadem carved to imitate a real gold example that was attached at the Comparer aux traits du visage de Vishnu debout du Los Angeles
back by ribbons tied in a square knot, stand. County Museum of Art (M.76.19). Comparé également avec une
36.5cm (14 3/8in) high. (2). tête stylistiquement proche conservée au Minneapolis Institute of Art
(69.86.1) et une autre au Musée des beaux-arts, Boston (26.13). Une
€20,000 - 30,000 tête de taille similaire avec une variante du diadème a été vendue chez
Sotheby’s New York, 24 mars 2011, lot 28.
Robert Rousset, Paris (1901-1981), acquired from Capital Antique, 柬埔寨 吳哥時期 比粒寺風格 十世紀 砂岩像首
Bangkok, 13 January 1966
Jean-Pierre Rousset, Paris (1936-2021) 來源:
巴黎Robert Rousset(1901-1981)舊藏, 於1966年1月13日得自曼谷
This larger-than-life head has a softer, more naturalistic and serene Capital古董店
face than that of the earlier style of the Koh Kher. Pre Rup is a Hindu 巴黎Jean-Pierre Rousset(1936-2021)舊藏
temple at Angkor, Cambodia, built for the Khmer king Rajendravarman
(reigned 944-968) and dedicated in 961 or early 962. This powerfully 與科克早期風格相比,此像首比例比真人稍大,神態更顯柔和、自然
carved head reflects the concept of the God-King (Deva-Raja), a 及安詳。比粒寺是位於柬埔寨吳哥的一座印度教寺廟,為高棉國王拉
system of statecraft that originated in India but was taken to new 金陀羅跋摩(944-968 在位)建造,並於961年或962年初祝獻。這尊
heights during the Khmer Empire (802–1437 CE). Despite being 有力度的雕刻像首體現了「神聖統治者」(德瓦拉哈)的天神概念,
consecrated under the protection of the Hindu deity Shiva, the Khmer 起源於印度的一種治國之道,至高棉帝國時期(802至1437年間)發
identified most closely with Vishnu, preserver of universal order. In fact, 展至更高峰。雖受印度教神濕婆護蔭,高棉人更推崇負責維繫宇宙秩
the deity often took on the likeness of individual Khmer rulers. 序者毘濕奴。實際上,該神祇造像常參照高棉統治者的形象而製。
Compare with the facial features on standing Vishnu in the Los 比較一例毘濕奴立像的面部特徵,藏於洛杉磯縣藝術博物館
Angeles County Museum of Art (M.76.19). Also compare with a closely (M.76.19) 。比較另一例與本尊緊密相關的像首,藏於明尼阿波利斯
related head in the Minneapolis Institute of Art (69.86.1) and another in 藝術學院(69.86.1),及另一例藏於波士頓美術館(26.13)。又見
the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (26.13). A head of similar scale with 一例比例相約,皇冠稍有變化,售於紐約蘇富比,2011年3月24日,
a variant to the diadem was sold at Sotheby’s New York, 24 March 編號28。
2011, lot 28.