Page 213 - Bonhams Cornette Saint Cyr, Property from the estate of Jean-Pierre Rousset (1936-2021)
P. 213
BOL LOBÉ MOGHOL EN JADE VERT TRÈS PALE Mughal jade vessels are renowned for their exceptionally thinly carved
Inde, XVIIIe siècle walls and naturalistic motifs. Such finely carved pieces from Mughal
India were introduced to the Imperial Court during the Qianlong reign
A FINE MUGHAL VERY PALE GREEN JADE LOBED BOWL as tribute ware. It appears that the first documented piece arrived
India, 18th century in 1758, and further pieces were presented to the Imperial Court
Of oval petal lobed form, set on a short foot carved with a large from 1760 onwards, once Xinjiang was secured under the Qing
chrysanthemum flowerhead, each lobe finely carved to the exterior administrative control.
with a flower spray issuing leafy stems to each side, each long end
with a flowerbud and demi leaf handle, the very pale semi-translucent The Qianlong emperor greatly admired the fine quality of the Mughal
stone polished to a high lustre, with some pale cloudy inclusions. jade workmanship, and wrote poems praising the Mughal pieces in his
16.5cm (6 1/2in) wide. collection, describing them as ‘thin as paper’. The thinness of the walls
and simplicity of the carving in the Mughal style are particularly well
€10,000 - 15,000 suited to reveal the beauty of the jade stone itself. Indeed the apparent
thinness is often as much the effect of the delicate translucency of the
印度 十八世紀 青白玉雕痕都斯坦式雙耳盌 stone as it is a reflection of the carver’s masterful skill.
Provenance: A large number of Mughal and Mughal-style jade pieces in the Imperial
Robert Rousset, Paris (1901-1981) collections are now in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, of which
Jean-Pierre Rousset, Paris (1936-2021) many were illustrated in Exquisite Beauty: Islamic Jades, Taipei, 2007.
See for example the open dish form, and small handles shaped like
來源: gently dropping fruit, on nos.48 (incised with a Qianlong mark) and
巴黎Robert Rousset(1901-1981)舊藏 56; see also the similar treatment of the fruit handles and soft greyish-
巴黎Jean-Pierre Rousset(1936-2021)舊藏 green stone of no.57. Another similar example in the Palace Museum,
Beijing, is illustrated in the Compendium of Collections in the Palace
Museum: Jade 10: Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, no.217.
See a related Mughal jade lobed bowl, India, circa 1700, which was
sold at Christie’s New York, 19 June 2019, lot 361.