Page 338 - Bonhams Cornette Saint Cyr, Property from the estate of Jean-Pierre Rousset (1936-2021)
P. 338
Époque Qianlong (1736-1795)
314 314 314 Qianlong (1736-1795)
Of oval bombe form set with a pair of moulded
high relief lion mask handles, the lower body
313 Y 314 with a border of moulded relief lotus petal
AISIN GIORO YU HUAN (1929-2003) TROIS ESQUISSES DE PORTRAITS panels, the centre with a whirl-scroll border
Peinture sur éventail représentant un oiseau D’ANCÊTRES below the upper section decorated on each
sur une branche de pivoine XIXe siècle of the main sides with peony, lotus, magnolia,
bamboo, chrysanthemum and grain amidst
AISIN GIORO YU HUAN (1929-2003) THREE ANCESTOR PORTRAIT SKETCHES rockwork, below the lipped rim with an
A fan painting of a bird on a peony branch 19th century archaistic C-scroll and key-fret borders, above
Decorated with a bird on a peony branch. Ink and pigment on paper, each mounted the splayed foot with various floral sprays, the
Inscription to the right with artist’s seal, and a on paper. interior rim decorated on each of the narrower
further inscription to the right. The largest 14.3cm (5 3/4in) long x 10.8cm sides with an unrolled scroll between variously
(4 1/4in) wide. (3). shaped diaper brocade and floral grounds, the
Aisin Gioro Yuhuan was the great great interior well with fish swimming amidst aquatic
grandson of the Daoguang emperor, and €150 - 200 plants below flowers and butterflies around
became well known in his lifetime for his the sides.
traditional Chinese paintings and Chinese Provenance: 36.2cm (14 1/4in) wide.
music. Robert Rousset, Paris (1901-1981)
52cm (20 1/2in) wide x 18cm (7 1/16in) high. Jean-Pierre Rousset, Paris (1936-2021) €1,000 - 1,500
€800 - 1,200 十九世紀 人物肖像 設色紙本 鏡心 一組三幀 Provenance:
Robert Rousset, Paris (1901-1981), illustrated
Provenance: 來源: in a photograph of Robert Rousset’s Paris
Robert Rousset, Paris (1901-1981) 巴黎Robert Rousset(1901-1981)舊藏 apartment, circa 1950’s
Jean-Pierre Rousset, Paris (1936-2021) 巴黎Jean-Pierre Rousset(1936-2021)舊藏 Jean-Pierre Rousset, Paris (1936-2021)
愛新覺羅·毓峘(毓琛?) 花鳥 扇面 清乾隆 粉彩獸鈕花卉紋湯盆
來源: 來源:
巴黎Robert Rousset(1901-1981)舊藏 巴黎Robert Rousset(1901-1981)舊藏
巴黎Jean-Pierre Rousset(1936-2021)舊藏 巴黎Jean-Pierre Rousset(1936-2021)舊藏