Page 242 - Fine Japanese Art Auction November 2 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 242

300  |  DEME UMAN: A RARE IVORY MASK                             301  |  A KUROGAKI WOOD NETSUKE
 NETSUKE OF A KITSUNE                                                   OF A SHISHI MASK
 By Deme Uman, signed Deme Uman Tenkaichi                         Unsigned
 Japan, early 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)                Japan, 19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)

 Expressively carved as the mask of a ferocious Kitsune (fox) with   A kurogaki (black persimmon) wood netsuke of a Shishi mask with
 a movable jaw revealing rows of sharp teeth and traces of red    an articulated jaw. The Shishi has finely carved bushy curls, floppy
 pigment inside the mouth. Signed DEME UMAN śϝޣ͝ (first           ears, large inlaid eyes of black horn, a large reishi nose, and sharp
 under heaven) on the central bridge in the reverse, where the    rows of teeth when its mouth is opened. Large himotoshi through
 himotoshi is located. The ivory is lightly stained and bears an   the back of the head and the tongue on the inside, effectively
 attractive honey patina.                                         keeping the jaw in place.

 LENGTH 3.8 cm                                                    HEIGHT 2.2 cm,
                                                                  LENGTH 3.8 cm
 Condition: Excellent condition.
 Provenance: British collection, old collection no. A222.         Condition: The teeth
                                                                  exhibit some wear,
 Deme Uman was the grandson of Deme Juman, who is regarded        and smaller nicks
 as the originator of mask netsuke. He is regarded as the most    and scratches to the
 celebrated of mask netsuke makers and worked almost invariably   underside. Generally, in
 in wood. The present netsuke is a very rare model from ivory and   very good condition.
 certainly from the period, however unclear if by the master or a   Provenance: British
 close hand.                                                      private collection.
 Auction comparison: For a similar netsuke in wood see Bonhams,   Estimate EUR 600,-
 Fine Japanese and Korean Art, 11 September 2019, New York, lot   Starting price EUR 300,-

 Estimate EUR 2.500,-
 Starting price EUR 1.250,-

                     302  |  RANTEI: A RARE WOOD MASK
                           NETSUKE OF USOFUKI

                     By Hogen Rantei, signed Rantei
                     Japan, Kyoto, mid-19th century, Edo period (1615-1868)

                     A rather large wood mask netsuke depicting Usofuki with comically
                     funnel-shaped pressed forward lips, a well-carved nose, and
                     large double-inlaid eyes of pale and dark horn. The backside with
                     himotoshi through the central bridge where also the signature
                     RANTEI ࠌᎽ is located. Mask netsuke by Hogen Rantei are
                     incredibly rare, Fuld’s Index lists only one mask of Okame in
                     ivory. Most great masters are known to have made mask netsuke
                     occasionally, and the present netsuke is a very rare example by the
                     great Kyoto master Rantei.
                     HEIGHT 5 cm

                     Condition: Very good condition.
                     Provenance: British collection.
                     Estimate EUR 800,-
                     Starting price EUR 400,-

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