Page 170 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 170


A RARE CARVED CINNABAR LACQUER BOX                                       清乾隆  剔紅仿古紋蓋盒

AND COVER                                                                比較兩件極為相似的疊式蓋盒,分別為北京故宮博物院及英國皇家收藏
QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)                                              漆器》,第 46 冊,香港,2006 年,圖 54;及劉明倩將於 2017 年《Arts
                                                                         of Asia》雜誌 1 月 -2 月號出版的文章〈Gifts from Emperor Qianlong to
The cover is carved to the flat top with a central flowerhead            King George II〉所引用的圖版 7 號。兩件蓋盒上的饕餮紋及蟬紋與此件
encircled by a band of detached kui-phoenix motifs, above a frieze       如出一轍。
of lappets each enclosing a cicada on the sides. The sides of the box
are carved with a band of taotie masks. The interiors and base are
lacquered black.
6 æ in. (17.1 cm.) diam., box

HK$380,000-600,000  US$50,000-78,000

Compare to two boxes and covers carved with nearly identical motifs
but of tiered form, one in the Palace Museum, Beijing, and the other in
the Royal Collection Trust, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, illustrated
in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Lacquer
Wares of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, vol. 46, Hong Kong, 2006,
fig. 54, and in ‘Gifts from Emperor Qianlong to King George III’ to be
published by Ming Wilson in January-February 2017 issue of Arts of
Asia, respectively.

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