Page 204 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 204



     A WHITE JADE MUGHAL-STYLE BOWL AND                                   清  白玉開光雲鶴紋蓋盌

     COVER                                                                來源
                                                                          紐約山中商會,1941 年 2 月 15 日
     QING DYNASTY (1644-1911)                                             Georges Estoppey 珍藏(1889-1970)
                                                                          巴黎蘇富比,2011 年 6 月 9 日,拍品 22 號
     Both the bowl and cover are finely and delicately carved with
     flying cranes holding in its beak a lingzhi stem, amidst scrolling   展覽
     foliage and stylised flowers.                                        史密森尼學會,《Special Exhibition of the Georges Estoppey
     4 ¿ in. (10.5 cm.) diam., silver-inland wood stand, box              Collection of Jade》,華盛頓特區,1942 年 1 月 15 日至
                                                                          3 月 1 日,圖錄編號 30
     HK$1,000,000-1,500,000  US$130,000-190,000


     Yamanaka & Co., Inc., New York, 15 February 1941
     Georges Estoppey Collection (1889-1970)
     Sold at Sotheby’s Paris, 9 June 2011, lot 22


     Smithsonian Institution, Special Exhibition of the Georges Estoppey
     Collection of Jade, Washington D.C., 15 January - 1 March 1942,
     Catalogue, no. 30

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