Page 222 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 222


     A RARE GREEN-GLAZED CIZHOU SGRAFFIATO                                               fig. 1 Green-glazed Cizhou sgraffiato vase, registered as an Important

     ‘PEONY’ VASE                                                                       Art Object in Japan, illustrated in Mayuyama, Seventy Years, Tokyo, 1976
                                                                                                            圖一 宋 磁州窯綠釉剔花瓶 日本重要美術品

     The well-balanced baluster body is supported on a high splayed
     foot and with a tall tapering neck ending on a wide rolled-out
     everted rim, delicately carved and incised with two large peony
     blooms borne on leafy stems, all above a band of overlapping
     petals at the base.
     11 in. (31 cm.) high

     HK$500,000-800,000  US$65,000-100,000

     PROVENANCE                                                                         北宋 / 金  磁州窯綠釉剔花牡丹紋瓶

     Acquired by a European collector from Kusaka Shogado,Tokyo,                        來源
     in the 1930s and thence by descent                                                 歐洲私人珍藏,於 1930 年代購自日本東京日下尚雅堂,後
     Sold at Christie’s London, 12 May 2009, lot 153                                    於家族中流傳
                                                                                        倫敦佳士得,2009 年 5 月 12 日,拍品 153 號
     Green-glazed Cizhou vases of this shape and decoration are extremely
     rare. Most known examples have the same peony decoration rendered                  磁州綠釉剔花瓶極為罕有,而在已知例子當中,幾乎全部都是綠地剔黑
     in black slip, while the current vase is carved through white slip                 花品種,如本瓶般以白剔花襯托綠釉的作品目前所知只有一件,同樣飾
     and covered with a translucent green glaze. The only known other                   牡丹紋,被收錄在 1976 年東京出版的《龍泉集芳》,第一冊,圖版 556
     example also decorated with white peony motifs under a green glaze                 號,並註冊為日本重要美術品(圖一),可見本拍品之稀有度及重要性。
     is illustrated in Mayuyama, Seventy Years, vol. 1, Tokyo, 1976, pl. 556,
     registered as an Important Art Object (fig. 1).                                    另可參考數件磁州綠地黑花瓶,器形與紋飾與本瓶一樣,惟牡丹紋為黑
                                                                                        剔花,一件為臨宇山人珍藏,被註冊為日本重要美術品,2012 年展於香
     Other green-glazed Cizhou vases decorated with peony in black slip                 港佳士得《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,圖版 52 號;另一件
     include one in the Linyushanren Collection, exhibited in The Classic               藏大和文華館,著錄於《龍泉集芳》,第一冊,圖版 557 號;一件著錄
     Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of Song Treasures from the                  於 1977 年東京出版《世界陶磁全集》,第 12 冊,圖 237;一件藏出光
     Linyushanren Collection, Christie’s Hong Kong, 2012, pl. 52; one from              美術館,著錄於 1986 年東京出版《出光美術館藏品圖錄:中国陶磁》,
     the Museum Yamoto Bunkakan, illustrated in Mayuyama, Seventy Years,                圖版 117 號;一件藏瑞士鮑氏珍藏,見 1968 年日內瓦出版《The Baur
     op. cit., pl. 557; one illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu, vol. 12, Tokyo, 1977, p.  Collection, Chinese Ceramics I》,圖版 A78 號。
     242, fig. 237; one from the Idemitsu Museum of Art, Tokyo, illustrated
     in Chinese Ceramics in the Idemitsu Museum Collection, Tokyo, 1986, pl.            此器經 CIRAM 科技測試(測試編號 0714-OA-207R),證實與本圖錄
     117; and one in the Baur Collection, Geneva, illustrated in J. Ayers, The          之定年符合。
     Baur Collection, Chinese Ceramics I, Switzerland, 1968, pl. A78.

     CIRAM Scientific Analysis Certificate no. 0714-OA-207R is consistent
     with the dating of this lot.

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