Page 224 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 224


     A QINGBAI MOULDED ‘DRAGON’ BOWL                                            元  青白釉印龍紋盌

     YUAN DYNASTY (1279-1368)                                                   此盌之造型、印花及胎土均與元代景德鎮燒製的樞府卵白釉器相近,
                                                                                例如紐約佳士得 2009 年 9 月 15 日曾拍賣一件尺寸及造型相若的卵白
     The bowl is potted with deep rounded sides rising from a straight          釉印雙龍繞朵花紋盌,見拍品 331 號。本盌上之龍首也與元代新安沉
     foot, moulded with a formal flowerhead medallion to the centre and         船中一件青白釉洗上的印花龍紋相似,可參考 1985 年首爾出版《Relics
     on the interior with two four-clawed dragons in pursuit of a flaming       Salvaged from the Seabed off Sinan》,圖版 102 號。
     pearl, all amidst ruyi clouds, covered in a delicate blue glaze.
     7 ¬ in. (19.5. cm.) diam., box

     HK$700,000-900,000  US$91,000-120,000

     The shape, moulding, and clay body of this bowl are closely related
     to the white-glazed shufu wares made in Jingdezhen during the Yuan
     dynasty. Compare for example to a shufu bowl of similar size and form,
     moulded with two three-clawed dragons encircling a flowerhead, sold
     at Christie’s New York, 15 September 2009, lot 331. The face of the
     dragon on the current bowl is also similar to that of a dragon moulded
     on a qingbai washer found in the Sinan ship wreck dating to the Yuan
     dynasty, illustrated in Relics Salvaged from the Seabed off Sinan, Seoul,
     1985, pl. 102.

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