Page 269 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 269

3432                                        3433                                      A mother-of-pearl inlaid brush and cover with
                                                                                      a six-character Wanli mark is illustarted in
A RARE CARVED CINNABAR                      A PAINTED AND MOTHER-                     East Asian Urushi Lacquer Work with Mother-
LACQUER ‘DRAGON’ BRUSH                                                                of-Pearl Inlay, Tokyo, 1999, no. 36. Compare
AND COVER                                   OF-PEARL INLAID LACQUER                   also to a Jiajing polychrome lacquer brush
                                                                                      and cover in the National Palace Museum,
LATE MING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY             BRUSH AND COVER                           illustrated in Carving the Subtle Radiance of
                                                                                      Colors, Treasured Lacquerware in the National
The shaft and cover are each carved with a  DATED WANLI WUZI CYCLICAL YEAR,           Palace Museum, Taipei, 2008, no. 94.  
five-clawed dragon striding amid flowers.   CORRESPONDING TO 1588 AND OF THE
10 ¬ in. (27 cm.) long, Japanese wood box   PERIOD                                    款識:萬曆戊子年淮陰張序記

HK$180,000-250,000                         The shaft and cover are painted and       可參照一支「大明萬曆年製」款黑漆螺鈿嵌花
US$24,000-32,000                            inlaid with two ladies accompanied by an  鳥紋筆,著錄於 1999 年東京出版的《螺鈿》,
                                            attendant in a garden scene.              編號 36。台北故宮博物院亦藏有一支嘉靖款龍
PROVENANCE                                  9 Ω in. (24.2 cm.) long, Japanese wood    紋筆,用色與本品近似,見《龢光剔彩:故宮
                                            box                                       藏漆》,2008 年,105 頁,編號 94。
A Japanese private collection, acquired in
the 1990s                                   HK$180,000-250,000

晚明  剔紅龍穿花紋筆                                 明萬曆戊子年(1588)  
日本私人珍藏,入藏於 1990 年

3431                                                        3433

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