Page 272 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 272

3437                                                                                3438


     3437                                              3438                                           THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN

     A GREY AND RUSSET JADE                            A WHITE JADE OPENWORK                          3439

     OPENWORK ‘FEMALE                                  ‘APSARA’ PLAQUE                                TWO JADE OPENWORK ‘BIRD

     IMMORTAL AND PHOENIX’                             SONG DYNASTY (960-1279)                        AND FLOWER’ ORNAMENTS

     ORNAMENT                                          The rectangular plaque is well carved and      JIN-YUAN DYNASTY (1115-1368)
                                                       pierced on both sides as an apsara, holding
     SONG DYNASTY (960-1279)                           stems of lotus, shown in flight above          The first ornament is intricately carved in
                                                       clouds. The semi-translucent stone is of an
     The jade is carved and pierced depicting          even white tone.                               openwork with egrets amidst tall stalks of
     a female immortal riding a phoenix. The           2 ¡ in. (6 cm.) long
     stone is of a greyish-white and russet tone.                                                     lotus; the second ornament is of oval shape,
     2 ¬ in. (6.7 cm.) long                            HK$400,000-600,000
                                                       US$52,000-78,000                               carved in openwork with three long-tailed
     US$39,000-65,000                                                                                 birds amongst hibiscus flowers.

                                                                                                      1 æ in. (4.2 cm.) high and

                                                                                                      3 ¿ in. (8 cm.) wide            (2)

     PROVENANCE                                        PROVENANCE                                     HK$60,000-80,000
     An English family collection,                     A New York private collection
     Peterborough                                                                                     金/元
                                                       A similar white jade plaque was sold at        玉透雕花鳥圖飾件兩件
     Jade ornaments of the present type were           Christie’s New York, Dongxi Studio- Important
     probably headdress finials. A similar white jade  Chinese Jade and Hardstone Carvings from
     ornament in the Palace Museum Collection          a Distinguished Private Collection, 17 March
     is illustrated in Jadeware (II), The Complete     2016, lot 938.
     Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum,
     Hong Kong, 1996, p. 102, no. 89.                  宋  白玉雕飛天紋牌飾

     宋  玉雕仙人騎鳳飾件                                       來源

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