Page 76 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 76

fig. 3 A massive gilt-bronze figure of Vajrabhairava and Vajra Vetali, from     fig. 4 A massive gilt-bronze figure of Vajrabhairava and Vajra Vetali,

        the Collection G., sold at Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 21-24 November 1904,     from the Collection G., sold at Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 21-24 November 1904,

                                                   lot 468                                                                      lot 469
     圖三 鎏金銅威羅瓦金剛及明妃像,《G Collection 第一部分西藏珍奇藝術品》                                  圖四 鎏金銅威羅瓦金剛及明妃像,《G Collection 第一部分西藏珍奇藝術品》

                                            拍賣,拍品 468 號                                                                  拍賣,拍品 469 號

    which the present figure is one of just a handful known. A group of          與本尊同類的存世例子極少。1904 年巴黎德魯奧拍賣
    large-scale gilt-bronzes together with the present lot, was offered at       曾舉行一場重要的早期亞洲藝術品拍賣,當中包括本
    an important early sale of Asian art at Hôtel Drouot in Paris in 1904.       尊及另外兩尊大型的威羅瓦金剛像,其中一尊帶有成
    Among the group were two other figures of Vajrabhairava, including           化年款,高 92 公分,後於 1975 年由 Rare Art Inc. 出
    one which was dated with a mark to the reign of the Chenghua                 售( 圖 三 ); 另 一 尊 高 80 公 分,1999 年 3 月 25 日
    Emperor, and which was subsequently offered by Rare Art Inc. in              曾於紐約蘇富比拍賣,拍品 122 號(圖四)。上述例
    1975 (92 cm. high) (fig. 3), and another published in numerous               子 當 中, 本 尊 為 尺 寸 最 大 者, 亦 是 唯 一 沒 有 懷 抱 明
    publications and last offered on the market at Sotheby’s New York,           妃金剛伯達里佛母的一尊。該場拍賣亦包括其他數例
    25 March 1999, lot 122 (80 cm. high) (fig. 4). The present work              大型的佛像,如一尊金剛手菩薩,現藏德國斯圖加特
    is the largest of the three Vajrabhairava figures, and is the only one       林登博物館;一尊密集金剛,現藏舊金山亞洲藝術博
    to depict the deity without his consort, Vajra Vetali. The other             物 館; 一 尊 菩 薩 立 像, 現 藏 巴 黎 亞 洲 藝 術 博 物 館;
    massive gilt-bronze sculptures from the collection include a figure          一尊大黑天,載於 U. von Shroeder 著《Indo-Tibetan
    of Mahachakravajrapani, now in the Linden-Museum, Stuttgart; a               Bronzes》,香港,1981 年,530 頁,圖 151B、151D、151E、
    figure of Guhyasamaja at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco; a            151A。另可參照一尊大黑天立像,原為彭楷棟舊藏,
    standing bodhisattva now in the Musée Cernuschi, Paris; and a figure         1987 年於國立故宮博物院展覽,見《金銅佛造像特展
    of Nilamahakala, the whereabouts of which is now unknown (see U.             圖錄》,台北,1987 年,126 頁,圖版 32 號。
    von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1981, p. 530, nos.
    151B, 151D, 151E and 151A). Also related is a standing figure of
    Mahakala originally from the Nitta Collection and exhibited at the
    National Palace Museum (see The Crucible of Compassion and Wisdom:
    Special Exhibition Catalog of the Buddhist Bronzes from the Nitta Group
    Collection at the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1987, p. 126, pl. 32).

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