Page 78 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 78
fig. 5 An Imperial embroidered silk thangka of Vajrabhairava, Yongle fig. 6 An Imperial embroidered silk thangka of Raktayamari, Yongle mark
mark and period (1402-1424), collection of Jokhang Temple and period (1402-1424), sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 26 November 2014,
圖五 明永樂御製威羅瓦金剛刺繡唐卡,大昭寺藏品
lot 3001
圖六 明永樂御製紅閰摩敵刺繡唐卡,香港佳士得 2014 年 11 月 26 日拍賣,
拍品 3001 號
Tibetan-style iconography was evidentially very popular in the 類似主題的作品亦出現於明初藏傳佛教藝術品的其他
early 15th century, and aside from gilt-bronze sculptures, imageries 品類中,如耗資費時的珍貴御製大型刺繡,此類作品
manifested through other media for example the Yongle-marked silk 可參考大昭寺藏一幅明永樂御製威羅瓦金剛刺繡唐卡
embroidered thangka depicting Vajrabhairava in the Jokhang Temple (圖五),及一幅明永樂御製紅閰摩敵刺繡唐卡,於
(fig. 5), and the magnificent Yongle-marked silk embroidered 香港佳士得 2014 年 11 月 26 日拍賣,拍品 6 號(圖六)。
thangka, depicting the wrathful Raktayamari embracing his consort
Vajraveltali, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 26 November 2014, lot
3001 (fig. 6).