Page 83 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 83

Zitan, or ‘purple sandalwood’, with a characteristic grain of needle-   以檀木雕刻造像的傳統源自印度。文字記載中最早的一尊檀木佛像應為
like ‘specks of gold’ is the most highly prized wood in China and most  《佛說旃檀樹經》、《正法念處經》述及的一尊由優填王所命造高達五
befitting for imperial use. The tradition of statues of Buddha carved   尺的佛像。玄奘法師著《西域記》中便曾提及該尊佛像,並記述了其自
from sandalwood originates in India, the prototype being the famous     印度攜回檀雕刻佛像至中國的史實。
image purportedly commissioned during Buddha’s lifetime by King
Udayana. The Chinese monk Xuanzang returned from his pilgrimage to      此類紫檀雕佛像可參照紐約佳士得拍賣的一尊釋迦牟尼佛立像,2002 年
India in the 7th century with two highly prized Buddhist images carved  3 月 20 日,拍品 69 號。
from sandalwood.

Compare to a zitan standing figure of Shakyamuni, dating to the Ming
dynasty, sold at Christies New York, 20 March 2002, lot 69.


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