Page 80 - Important Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Hong Kong
P. 80

THE PROPERTY OF A LADY                                                      清康熙  漆金木綠度母坐像

    3235                                                                        來源
                                                                                Spink & Son,倫敦,1990 年代初期
    AN EXTREMELY RARE LARGE GILT-                                               巴黎佳士得,2012 年 6 月 12 日,拍品 371 號
    KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)                                                   尊,乃是觀世音菩薩為「度化眾生」而示現的神變相之一。在藏傳佛教
    Exquisitely modelled seated in a posture of relaxation, Lalitasana,         姿,其右腳前伸表示驅除惡魔,左腿單盤向內彎曲則表示功德圓滿。綠
    with one leg pendent supported by a lotus socle and the other               度母形象自元代起始,至明清以後,深受藏傳佛教造像藝術的傳入和影
    resting on the double-lotus base. The hands held in vitarka and             響。
    varada mudras, the left hand holding lotus stems rising up to into
    a large lotus bloom above one side of the shoulder. The deity is            康熙年間,許多藏傳佛教寺院均供奉綠度母,其造像表現出集漢傳佛教
    adorned with a complex beaded jewellery chain and bracelets with            和藏傳佛教造像於一身的風格。康熙時期的造像更多地融入了蒙古造像
    hardstone insets. The face with benign features below the hair              中可見的力度感,尤其是肩胸及四肢的雄健之美及手腳的柔軟度。面相
    swept into a double-knot.                                                   多豐圓適中,較為秀美。眼精略為上揚,而上眼瞼呈弧形。
    39 º in. (99.5 cm.) high
    HK$1,800,000-2,600,000 US$240,000-340,000                                  金銅無量壽佛,2011 年 6 月 7 日,拍品 412A 號,其整體造型與諸如蓮
                                                                                此尊坐像的定年與多倫多大學 1998 年 4 月 7 日碳 14 測試報告的結果相
    Spink & Son, London, early 1990s                                            符合。
    Sold at Christie’s Paris, 12 June 2012, lot 371

    The present figure, Syamatara, ‘the granter of all wishes’, is an
    interesting example of strong influences of Tibetan Buddhism on
    Chinese art. This tradition started in the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) and
    continued into the Ming and Qing dynasties.

    It was during the reign of the Emperor Kangxi (1662-1722) that
    numerous Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and temples were founded,
    and often were furnished with works of art often exhibiting both
    Tibetan and Chinese styles. Kangxi was a devout follower of Tibetan
    Buddhism, and under his reign vast quantities of Lamaist-influenced
    sculptures and ritual implements were produced. The crisp modelling
    of the facial features of the present figure is closely related to a gilt-
    bronze seated Amitayus dating to the Kangxi period, formerly from an
    Austrian private collection and sold at Christie’s Paris, 7 June 2011, lot

    The dating is consistent with The Radiocarbon Analysis Report,
    University of Toronto, 7 April 1998.

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