Page 194 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 194


PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN                                          清十八世紀 白玉雕高仕觀瀑圖筆筒

A WHITE JADE ‘LANDSCAPE’ BRUSHPOT                                來源:
QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY                                       香港佳士得2009年12月1日,編號2028(其一)

the cylindrical body raised on three ruyi feet, the exterior     此筆筒通體以淺浮雕琢紋飾,飾高仕策杖,侍童相伴於
worked in low relief depicting a scholar and his attendant       上中觀賞瀑布的場景。此器型嬌小,淺浮雕打磨細緻,
standing before a gnarled pine tree, watching a waterfall        在窄小的空間,畫面更見疏朗。有一同類筆筒,平底,
gushing from cragged rocks, set in a mountainous landscape       售於香港蘇富比2003年4月27日,編號104,後再於香港
with rocks and overhanging wutong trees, the stone of an         佳士得2011年11月30日拍出,編號3227。一稍高例,原
attractive even white colour                                     為趙從衍舊藏,先後售於香港蘇富比,首次為1986年11
9.2 cm, 3⅝ in.                                                   月18日,最後一次乃1999年11月1日,編號562。一例尺
PROVENANCE                                                       283。還有一例,售於倫敦佳士得2007年5月15日,編號
Christie’s Hong Kong, 1st December 2009, lot 2028 (part lot).    364。

HK$ 500,000-700,000
US$ 64,500-90,500

This brushpot is notable for the level of detail that has been
captured in the scene despite being carved in low relief.
The serenity and delicacy of the rendered scene perfectly
complements the narrow form. A brushpot of this type, but
lacking the feet, was sold in these rooms, 27th April 2003, lot
104, and again at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30th November 2011,
lot 3227; and a taller example from the T.Y. Chao Collection,
was sold twice in these rooms, 18th November 1986, and 1st
November 1999, lot 562. See also a brushpot of this form and
size but carved in high relief, sold in these rooms, 22nd May
1979, lot 283; and another sold at Christie’s London, 15th May
2007, lot 364.

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