Page 196 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 196


PROPERTY FROM THE MARY AND GEORGE BLOCH                           清乾隆 銅胎北京畫琺瑯蝶戀花鼻煙壺
COLLECTION                                                                   《乾隆年製》款

AN IMPERIAL BEIJING ENAMEL ‘GARDEN                                來源:
SCENE’ SNUFF BOTTLE                                               J.T. Wakefield 收藏
BLUE-ENAMEL MARK AND PERIOD OF                                    倫敦蘇富比1986年5月9日,編號286

with a flat lip and concave foot surrounded by a slightly         展覽:
recessed flat foot rim, decorated in famille-rose enamels on      Robert Kleiner、楊伯達及 Clarence F. Shangraw,《盈
copper, with gold, painted with a continuous garden scene with    寸纖研 ─ 瑪麗及佐治伯樂鼻煙壺珍藏》,香港藝術館,
roses and asters growing on a grassy slope near a perforated,     香港,1994年,編號7
convoluted rock, with a butterfly flying overhead, the neck       新加坡國家博物館,新加坡,1994-5年
and base both with formalised borders based on lingzhi, the       Robert Kleiner,《Chinese Snuff Bottles in the
foot enamelled in blue with a four-character mark, the interior   Collection of Mary and George Bloch》,大英博物館,
covered with thin, patchy turquoise-blue enamel, the exposed      倫敦,1995年,編號10
metal gilt
4.7 cm, 1⅞ in.                                                    出版:
                                                                  Robert Kleiner,《Images of Asia: Chinese Snuff
PROVENANCE                                                        Bottles》,香港及紐約,1994年,圖版3
                                                                  莫士撝、Victor Graham 及曾嘉寶,《A Treasury of
Collection of J.T. Wakefield.                                     Chinese Snuff Bottles: The Mary and George Bloch
Sotheby’s London, 9th May 1986, lot 286.                          Collection》,卷6,香港,2007年,編號1083


Robert Kleiner, Boda Yang, and Clarence F. Shangraw, Chinese
Snuff Bottles: A Miniature Art from the Collection of George and
Mary Bloch, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1994, cat.
no. 7.
National Museum of Singapore, Singapore, 1994-5.
Robert Kleiner, Chinese Snuff Bottles in the Collection of Mary
and George Bloch, British Museum, London, 1995, cat. no. 10.


Robert Kleiner, Images of Asia: Chinese Snuff Bottles, Hong
Kong and New York, 1994, pl. 3.
Hugh Moss, Victor Graham and Ka Bo Tsang, A Treasury of
Chinese Snuff Bottles: The Mary and George Bloch Collection,
vol. 6, Hong Kong, 2007, no. 1083.

HK$ 800,000-1,200,000
US$ 104,000-155,000

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