Page 197 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 197

This unique snuff bottle, enamelled on copper at the Palace        This impression is confirmed by other elements of the design.
Workshops, Beijing, is of superlative quality, with its high       The roses, seen from the front on one side, from the back
quality decoration of a garden scene with carefully conceived      on the other, are typically European, the one from the front
use of space, all framed amidst elaborate borders. It is similar   resembling a heraldic Elizabethan rose in its formal layout. It
to other Qianlong mark and period enamelled copper bottles         is unusual for a Chinese artist working in enamels to depict a
from the Qing court collection, preserved in the Palace            flower from the back. Front, side, or three-quarter views are
Museum, Beijing, including another white-ground bottle             more common in this art. There are other signs of a European
enamelled with a scene of flowers and birds, illustrated in Snuff  hand. The grassy ground is completely filled with detail,
Bottles - The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace       including texturing to represent short grass, with blades of
Museum, vol. 47, Hong Kong, 2003, p. 93, no. 143. However,         taller grass around the base of the rock. A Chinese designer
it is most closely related to another example, formerly in the     would have been more likely to have made it simpler and
Gerry Mack and J & J collections, illustrated in Moss, Graham,     less detailed. The rock is also very European in its depiction,
Tsang, The Art of the Chinese Snuff Bottle, The J & J Collection,  without any hint of calligraphic line. It is painted to provide
vol. 1, New York and Tokyo, 1993, no. 177, and sold at Christie’s  a realistic two-dimensional, logically shaded, Western
New York, 29 March 2006, lot 6, and again at Christie’s Hong       impression of a three-dimensional object.
Kong, 7th October 2014, lot 11, from a private American
collection.                                                        Confirmation of a European hand may also be found in the
                                                                   lower decorative border, where an unusual configuration
However, although it shares distinct characteristics with the      of the standard formalised lingzhi design appears, with the
J & J bottle, both with the same distinctive borders enclosing     usual trefoil upper register, balanced, or rather unbalanced
the garden scenes,and with the white spaces skilfully washed       in Chinese terms, by a lower register of different shape,
in places with blue to suggest sky, there are several key          resembling more the standard head of a ruyi sceptre. This use
differences. The J & J bottle is typically Chinese in its style.   of two different registers of formalized fungus is exceptional.
The rocks, like the tree trunk, are painted with vigorous,         It appears on one other example from the collection of Mary
calligraphic lines, and the scene is speckled with traditional     and George Bloch, sold in these rooms, 27th May 2013, lot 212,
Chinese dotting to provide texture as much as to suggest moss      beneath the lip and above the shoulder band.
and rough bark on rocks and trees, respectively, and the lines
of the leaves are as much an exercise in brushwork as they
are in depiction. On the current bottle, they are a little more
subdued, more detailed and more descriptive than expressive,
suggesting, perhaps, greater European influence.

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