Page 236 - Important Chinese Art Hong Kong Sotheby's April 2017
P. 236


AN UNUSUAL COPPER-RED SPLASHED                                      元 灑釉裏紅絃紋玉壺春瓶
YUAN DYNASTY                                                        本瓶施青白釉,上灑銅紅艷斑,耀眼奪目。此類釉裏
                                                                    紅瓶,創製於元朝景德鎮,J.M. Addis 於《Chinese
the pear-shaped body rising to a slender neck and flaring rim,      Porcelain from the Addis Collection. Twenty-two Pieces
all supported on a slightly splayed foot, the body engraved with    of Chingtechen Porcelain Presented to the British
five double bands, applied with a pale blue-tinged white glaze      Museum》中論述元朝創燒氧化銅料,然難於控制,初或
and liberally decorated with four rich copper-red splashes          加施於刻劃紋飾之上,冀成紅地白花之帶飾,然而本品大
20.9 cm, 8¼ in.                                                     片紅彩斑紋,製作年間或更早(倫敦,1979年,頁9-10
HK$ 1,500,000-2,500,000
US$ 194,000-323,000                                                 集寧路古城遺址出土瓷器》,北京,2004年,圖版41。東
Striking for the bold splashes of copper against a pale glaze,      敦,1984年,編號146。長青館珍藏還有一例,曾售於香
vases of this type were made at Jingdezhen during the Yuan          港蘇富比1981年5月20日,編號652,後展於《形秀色麗
dynasty when potters began experimenting with copper                四代珍》,大維德藝術基金會,倫敦,1992年,編號17。
pigments on qingbai-type glazes. J.M. Addis in Chinese
Porcelain from the Addis Collection. Twenty-two Pieces of           相類灑釉裏紅器,還可參考倫敦大英博物館 H.J.
Chingtechen Porcelain Presented to the British Museum,              Oppenheim 舊藏盃,錄於 R.L. Hobson,《Chinese
London, 1979, pp. 9-10, discusses the experimental techniques       Ceramics from Private Collections》,倫敦,1931年,
of the Yuan dynasty and suggests that the earliest use of           圖版90。且見1980年江西省高安出土高足轉盃,盃外綴
copper-oxide, difficult to control due to its unstable nature,      螭龍,並灑紅作飾,圖見劉良佑,《中國歷代陶瓷鑑賞》
was probably as a broad band forming the background for an          ,卷3,台北,1992年,頁177右下。華盛頓史密森尼
incised design. It is however possible that the large splashes      學院弗利爾美術館另藏一高足盃殘片,器內印花,展於
on this piece predate the use of underglaze red as a colour         《Blue and White. Chinese Porcelain and Its Impact on
ground.                                                             the Western World》,斯馬特美術館,芝加哥大學,芝加
A yuhuchunping with similar splashes is illustrated in Chen
Yongzhi, Porcelain Unearthed from Jininglu Ancient City Site in
Inner Mongolia, Beijing, 2004, pl. 41; another was included in
the Oriental Ceramic Society Exhibition of Jingdezhen Wares.
The Yuan Evolution, London, 1984, cat. no. 146; and a third with
the splashes fired to a grey tone, from the C.P. Lin Collection,
included in the exhibition Elegant Form and Harmonious
Decoration. Four Dynasties of Jingdezhen Porcelain, Percival
David Foundation of Chinese Art, London, 1992, cat. no. 17,
was sold in these rooms, 20th May 1981, lot 652.

Other vessels decorated with similar copper splashes include a
cup in the British Museum, London, illustrated in R.L. Hobson,
Chinese Ceramics from Private Collections, London, 1931, pl.
90, from the collection of H.J. Oppenheim; a revolving stem
cup with a chilong on the exterior, excavated in 1980 in Gao’an
county, Jiangxi province, now in the Gao’an County Musuem,
illustrated in Liu Liang-yu, A Survey of Chinese Ceramics, vol. 3,
Taipei, 1992, p. 177 bottom right; and a fragment of a stem cup
with moulded decoration on the interior, in the Freer Gallery
of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., included in
the exhibition Blue and White. Chinese Porcelain and Its Impact
on the Western World, The David and Alfred Smart Gallery,
University of Chicago, Chicago, 1965, cat. no. 11e.

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