Page 10 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 10

Alan & Simone Hartman with Mrs Tuyet Nguyet and friends in New
           York, March 2000, photo courtesy of Arts of Asia

           Alan & Simone Hartman Wedding Day, 1977            Alan & Simone Hartman's living room

           Alan could both appreciate aesthetics and look past them to assess  艾倫不僅擅於從美學的角度品評器物,且同時能不囿於器物之形
           and value the most humble of lots, a rare gift in a dealer. His work ethic  色,洞察其內在價值,這種能力在古董商中亦屬罕見。艾倫的工作
           was formidable and early telephone calls from New York were regularly  習慣更是讓人心生敬意,天尚未亮,他便已開始處理業務,致電海
           made and received – he was wide awake, curious to know what was  外客戶。他總是這樣精力充沛,耳聽八方,隨時伺機而動。
           happening and ready to talk business.
           The Hartmans were the most generous of hosts and that generosity   測,甚至自身經歷的教訓。古董市場魚目混珠,但艾倫總能鑒偽存
           extended to Alan’s sharing his deep knowledge of past and current   真,這種能力也讓不少同行欣羨。艾倫可謂百技傍身,且悟性極
           market trends, including all their pitfalls. He could spot fakes,   高,但他的成功絕離不開西蒙長期以來的支持與付出。
           reproductions and the best when all mixed together, a talent to which
           all dealers aspire. His gifts were multitudinous and his instincts uncanny,   哈特曼這一赫赫嘉名將永與古董圈常在,吾等幸得交厚,自銘感其
           but his ability to succeed and be as successful as he was would not   德。
           have been possible if Simone had not provided constant support and
           devotion.                                         Roger Keverne
           The name of Hartman will continue to resonate in the art business   2023年夏
           as long as that survives, which it will. Those who had the privilege of
           knowing the Hartmans will continue to acknowledge their considerable
           contribution to our fascinating trade.

           Roger Keverne
           Summer 2023

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