Page 11 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 11

Alan and Simone Hartman’s wedding cake with       Simone’s Ode to Alan on his 50th Business Anniversary
           Qing dynasty jade centerpiece                     西蒙為賀艾倫從業五十週年慶而作詞

           My life with Alan was like a fairy tale from the moment we met. We had  我與艾倫的相知相許於我而言猶如童話,四十七年來,我們執手相伴
           47 years filled with travel to Europe and Asia in search of wonderful  遊歷歐亞,將從各地蒐獵到的瑰寶帶回家中,這其中有印象派大師畫
           treasures to bring home to enjoy. Our life and our home were surrounded  作、亞洲古董、歐洲銀器等。這些舉世奇珍豐盈著我們的居所和精神
           with glorious examples of Impressionist paintings, Asian art, and silver  世界,我們歡喜與其同在,也樂於與朋僚共賞。
           that we enjoyed living with and sharing with friends.
           Since Alan passed away my life has changed. I realize that I cannot keep   這份悅樂當與眾樂。
           all these precious marvels to myself. Therefore, I have decided to share
           with others these wonderful objects so that they may enrich other lives   艾倫是萬里挑一的,一位鄰居曾在信裡對我說,“他現在一定在天堂
           as they did ours.                                 品鑒上帝的收藏吧!” 若然,則如我所願,不勝欣慰!
           Alan was one in a million, and as one of our neighbors wrote to me, “No
           doubt Alan is reviewing the art in God’s gallery.” I concur!    ——西蒙·哈特曼,2023年11月

           -Simone Hartman, November 2023

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