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Alan and Simone Hartman:

           A Personal Recollection

           Roger Keverne and Miranda Clarke at 16 Clifford St in about 2012  Roger Keverne, ed., Jade, published in 1991

           It is often the case that the word legend is used too loosely or  “傳奇人物”一詞幾已被濫用,但我不得不說,艾倫·哈特曼確稱得上
           inappropriately to describe certain people, but in the case of Alan  古董收藏界裡的一代傳奇。
           Hartman it is entirely appropriate and underlines his position in the
           antiques world over so many years.                艾倫生於1930年1月9日,其父名爾班、其母名海素(Hazel               and
                                                             Urban  Hartman)。1927年,爾班開始於紐約曼哈頓上西區銷售東方
           Alan was born on 9 January 1930, the son of Hazel and Urban Hartman.   藝術品,並於1945年成立哈特曼奇珍藝廊(Hartman Rare Art)。正
           Urban Hartman opened a shop dealing in Oriental art on Manhattan’s   是浸潤在這樣的生長環境中,促使艾倫日後繼父衣缽,也成為了一名
           Upper  West  Side  in  1927  and  Hartman  Rare  Art  was  incorporated   收藏家及古董商人。艾倫自十二歲起便購入了收藏之路上的第一件玉
           in 1945. So Alan was born and grew up surrounded by works of art   器,此後直至其於今年年初辭世,他都勤謹於尋珍獵奇,而也正是這
           and that upbringing gave him inspiration as a collector and dealer. He   種精神才勾染出其一生的傳奇色彩。
           purchased his first jade when he was a child – he was 12 – and from
           that moment until his passing earlier this year he continued to acquire   艾倫一度與其手足羅蘭(Roland)同承父業,後決定各自發展。
           antiques and works of art, and that pursuit defined his life.   為此,艾倫曾於中央公園凝思良久,信步岩徑、獨坐石凳,最終
           For a while Alan worked with his brother, Roland, and when they split   裁擇獨自續營父親的藝廊。艾倫後來將奇珍藝廊擴營至麥迪遜大
           up Alan took a short walk to Central Park, sat on a bench for a period of   道(Madison   Avenue),並在達拉斯(Dallas)和棕櫚灘(Palm
           reflection and made the decision to run the business on his own. Hence   Beach)的倉儲庫集聚存貨。
           the name Rare Art was to endure, and Alan owned substantial galleries
           on Madison Avenue in New York and at one point stores in Dallas and   能將藝術的多面性與古董經營融會貫通、彼此依存,並與此同時建立
           Palm Beach.                                       個人收藏,是艾倫的一大本事。他的商業嗅覺近乎天成,任何人到訪
           One of Alan’s gifts was his ability to understand and bridge so many  的中國藝術、日本藝術、來自世界各地的銀器、玉石,同在其藝廊各
           aspects of the art and antique business and to be a collector at the same  熠輝華。此外,艾倫的成功還得益於其非凡的記憶力,對數十年前經
           time. His commercial instincts were innate, and anyone who visited his  手過的器物及售價,他依然牢記在心。
           New York stores will remember that it was easy to be overwhelmed by
           the sheer breadth of the stock – including Chinese from Neolithic to the
           20th century, Japanese, silver, and jades and hardstones from all over
           the world. Another of the attributes which made Alan such a formidable
           dealer was his prodigious memory. He had the ability to recall works of
           art purchased decades ago and the prices paid.
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