Page 130 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 130

           A FINE SANCAI-GLAZED AMPHORA                      Provenance:
           Tang Dynasty                                      John Berwald, London
           The high-shouldered ovoid body tapering to a narrow neck set off   Mary and Cheney Cowles Collection
           by a pair of dragons drinking from the amber-glazed cupped mouth,
           their bodies fashioned as U-shaped handles accented with decorative   來源:
           pommels, the surface brilliantly splashed with green, cream and amber  倫敦 John Berwald 古董行
           glaze stopping in pools mid-way down the hard, buff body.   Mary and Cheney Cowles 藏
           14 1/4in (36.3cm) high
                                                             A very similar sancai-glazed amphora in the collection of the British
           $8,000 - 12,000                                   Museum is illustrated on the museum's website, accession number
                                                             1930,0719.52, where Jessica Rawson noted: "This shape is
           唐 三彩龍耳長頸瓶                                         reminiscent of Central Asian, Iranian and Hellenistic-Roman ceramics,
                                                             metalwork and glass. Pieces like this one were made for burial rather
                                                             than for daily use and imitate metalwork and glass rather than the
                                                             finest ceramics."

                                                             Compare also the sancai-glazed amphora with amber tone, illustrated
                                                             by Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection,
                                                             Volume Three (I), London, 2006, p. 277, no. 1302, described as
                                                             Gongxian kilns, Henan province, 7th or 8th century A.D.

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