Page 198 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 198
A LARGE TRANSPARENT RUBY-RED-OVERLAY For a red overlay bottle with a slightly yellowish bubble-suffused
BUBBLE-SUFFUSED GLASS 'CARP' BOTTLE ground with similar decoration, see Robert Hall, Chinese Snuff Bottles
1770-1830 IV, England, 1991, p. 105, no. 104. For a blue overlay example
Of flattened oviform shape, carved through a deep red overlay with depicting the same subject of carp and lotus, see A Special Exhibition
and ascending carp to one side and a descending carp to the other, of Snuff Bottles from Mr. Robert Chang's Collection, Suzhou Museum,
all above waves in a continuous band at the foot and divided along the 24 March - 9 September 2012, p. 41, no. 85.
narrow sides with leafy lotus to one side and a bullrush and grasses
to the other, below sloping shoulders and a cylindrical neck and
supported on a shallow oval foot ring.
3 1/8in (8cm) high, stopper
$1,200 - 1,800
1770-1830 霏雪地套寶石紅料刻鯉魚蓮花圖鼻煙壺一件
Xanadu Gallery