Page 133 - Sotheby's May 10th 2017 London Animal Menagerie, Chinese Art
P. 133


A BAMBOO-ROOT ‘ELEPHANT                                      A WHITE JADE ‘ELEPHANT                                        A GREY AND BLACK JADE
AND BOYS’ GROUP                                              AND BOYS’ GROUP                                               PHOENIX
QING DYNASTY, 18TH                                           QING DYNASTY, 18TH                                            MING DYNASTY OR EARLIER
CENTURY                                                      CENTURY
                                                                                                                           A jade bird fashioned in a similar pose was included
A closely related bamboo carving is illustrated in Hai       Carved from a fine white stone of translucent and even         in the Oriental Ceramic Society exhibition Chinese
Bo, Zhu Mu Ya Jiao Qi Zhenshang, Tainan, 1995, pl. 10,       tone, this piece is particularly attractive for the sense of  Jade Throughout the Ages, Victoria and Albert Museum,
together with two further related examples, pls. 8 and       movement and liveliness that is captured through the          London, 1975, cat. no. 235; another is illustrated in
9; and one with the saddle carved with clouds, in the        twisting turning poses of the figures and of the elephant.     Brian Morgan, Naturalism & Archaism: Chinese Jades
National Palace Museum, Taipei, was included in the          The craftsman has successfully captured various               from the Kirknorton Collection, London, 1995, pl. 26; and
Museum’s exhibition Auspicious Ju-i Sceptres of China,       textures in a display of technical proficiency, such as        a third from the collection of Mr and Mrs B.H. Tisdall,
Taipei, 1995, cat. no. 101.                                  the thick wrinkled skin of the elephant, the intricately      was included in the exhibition Chinese Jades from Han
                                                             embroidered cloth draped over its back and the smooth         to Ch’ing, Asia House Gallery, New York, 1980, cat.
3                                                            plump faces of the boys.                                      no. 81, where the author notes that the use of mottled
                                                                                                                           stone is a characteristic of jade carvings of the 13th and
A MOTTLED JADE ELEPHANT                                      This carving is full of auspicious imagery, such as           14th century.
PEBBLE                                                       the motif of boys riding or climbing on an elephant
QING DYNASTY, 18TH                                           representing the wish for good fortune, as the phrase         9
CENTURY                                                      ‘ride an elephant’ is close in pronunciation to ‘good
                                                             fortune’ (jixiang). Additionally, the boy clutching a         A RUSSET AND CELADON JADE
Compare a similarly carved celadon jade elephant             musical chime symbolises celebration.                         PHOENIX
illustrated in René-Yvon Lefebvre d’Argencé, Chinese Jades                                                                 17TH CENTURY OR EARLIER
in the Avery Brundage Collection, San Francisco, 1977, pl.   A closely related carving in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
XLIII; and one attributed to the late Tang to early Song     is illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace     For earlier carvings of phoenix, compare one attributed
period, included in the Oriental Ceramic Society exhibition  Museum, Jade, vol. 9, Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, pl.        to the Song period illustrated in Roger Keverne, Jade,
Chinese Jade throughout the Ages, Victoria and Albert        136; another from the De An Tang collection, was              London, 1991, p. 21, pl. 6; and another included in
Museum, London, 1975, cat. no. 205.                          included in the exhibition A Romance with Jade, Palace        the exhibition Exquisite Jade Carving, Art Gallery, The
                                                             Museum, Beijing, 2004, cat. no. 90; and a third of            Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1996,
4                                                            slightly larger size, was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,       cat. no. 77.
                                                             23rd March 1993, lot 962. See also a carving of this
A WHITE JADE ‘ELEPHANT                                       type but featuring only one boy, from the collection of       10
AND BOYS’ GROUP                                              Mr Dumas, sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 8th October
QING DYNASTY, 18TH                                           2010, lot 2617.                                               A CELADON JADE PHOENIX
CENTURY                                                                                                                    GROUP
                                                             6                                                             QING DYNASTY, 18TH
A similarly carved jade group, but depicting the                                                                           CENTURY
two boys washing the elephant was included in the            A CELADON AND RUSSET JADE
exhibition Views of Antiquity in the Qing Imperial Palace,   ‘PHOENIX’ WATERPOT AND                                        A similar carving of a phoenix was included in the
Museum de Arte de Macau, Macau, 2005, cat. no.               DROPPER                                                       Oriental Ceramic Society exhibition Chinese Jade
109; another was sold in our New York rooms, 10th            17TH CENTURY                                                  Throughout the Ages, Victoria and Albert Museum,
November 1979, lot 345; a third was sold at Christie’s                                                                     London, 1975, cat. no. 399; another in the Palace
London, 3rd November 1969, lot 94; and a slightly            Compare a waterdropper modelled in the form of a              Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in Compendium of
smaller example was included in the exhibition Exquisite     phoenix, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated           Collections in the Palace Museum, Jade, vol. 9, Qing
Jade Carving, Art Gallery, The Chinese University of         in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum,            Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, pl. 141; a slightly smaller
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1995, cat. no. 105.                    Jade, vol. 9, Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, pl. 81; and        example modelled carrying a peach branch in its beak,
                                                             a white jade example of slightly smaller size, included       in the Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, was included in the
                                                             in the Min Chiu Society’s 45th anniversary exhibition         Museum’s exhibition Chinese Jades from the Collection of
                                                             Auspicious Emblems. Chinese Cultural Treasures, Hong          the Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, 1989, cat. no. 63; and a
                                                             Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 2005, cat. no. 18.             slightly larger one is illustrated in Roger Keverne, Jade,
                                                                                                                           London, 1991, p. 342, pl. 1.

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