Page 10 - Sotheby's Dr. Wou Kiuan Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 10
In the years that followed, Wou played a seminal role in the formation of the government
that would rule China during the early 20th century, seeking to establish a constitutional 在隨後幾年間,吳氏在二十世紀初民國政府
system. He served as Deputy Chairman to Sun Yatsen’s (1866-1925) new political group, 的組建中扮演開創性的重要角色,尋求建
the Kuomintang (Guomindang); opposed the advances of Yuan Shikai (1859-1916) to 立憲政制度。他曾任孫中山(1866-1925
restore hereditary monarchy to China with himself as the Hongxian Emperor; and was 年)的國民黨副主席,極力反對袁世凱
elected head of the Zhongyiyuan, House of Representatives and later leader of the
Lower Chamber of Parliament. Finally, on 10th October 1923, the first Constitution of the 世襲君主制,並曾獲選為國會非常會議眾議
Republic of China was promulgated. Throughout his political career, Wou demonstrated 中國首部憲法。二十世紀初期政局混亂,危
infallible moral integrity and acute determination to establish constitutional rule amidst 機四伏,吳氏卻始終堅持道德操守,忠於其
the dangerous chaos of the early 20th century. 建立憲政的堅定決心。
As an accomplished calligrapher, it was perhaps only natural that Wou would
develop friendships with well-known painters and calligraphers of the time, such
as Chen Qishi, Qi Baishi and Zhang Jian, many of whom dedicated works to 集成中國藝術收藏,並以父親命名收藏博物
him. This interest in China’s rich artistic heritage no doubt influenced his son, 館有著重要影響。
Wou Kiuan, whose legacy of the Wou Lien-Pai Museum is celebrated today.
Left Wou Lien-Pai, 1937
左 吳蓮伯,1937年
Above National Day, 10 October 1923, announcing the first constitution of the Republic of China. Wou Lien-Pai seated center
上 1923年10月10日國慶,中華民國公佈第一部中華民國憲法。吳蓮伯坐於中央