Page 9 - Sotheby's Dr. Wou Kiuan Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 9

Wou Lien-Pai (1873-1944)
             Statesman. Leader. Reformer                                              吳蓮伯(1873-1944年)
             Wou Lien-Pai (Wu Jinglian, Wu Lianbo) (1873-1944) was one the leading political figures
             of early 20th century China, remembered for his role as speaker and leader of parliament   吳景濂(字蓮伯,1873-1944年),二十
             during the turbulent years of the Republican era.                        世紀初中國重要政治人物,因在民國動蕩歲

             Born in Xingcheng, Liaoning province on 18th March 1873, Wou Lien-Pai was awarded a   1873年3月18日出生於遼寧省寧遠(今
             fugong degree at the state level examination at the Imperial Institute in Beijing in 1897, and   興城),1897年考取副貢,1907年京師
             in 1907 he graduated from Imperial University of Peking with the highest honors, the juren   大學堂最高榮譽畢業,考取舉人,以教育
             degree, specializing in education. Upon his return to Liaoning, he embarked on a career in   為專業。回到遼寧後,吳氏開始教育改
             educational reform, establishing the Fengtian Normal College by 1908, and later becoming   革,1908年成立奉天師範學堂,並創立奉
             president of the Provincial Public Education Committee and director of the Constitutional
             Law Institute. By 1909, Wou was elected major of Fengtian, and chairman of the Fengtian
             Provincial Assembly.  Wou Lien-Pai used this new platform to demand constitutional
             change, eventually moving to Shanghai to join other provincial representatives in a
             national political movement as anti-Qing sentiment was rising across the country.    1912年清朝滅亡後,民國政府在南京成

             Following the collapse of the Qing dynasty in 1912, a Republican government was
             established in Nanjing, with Wou elected as the first member of the Provisional Parliament
             of the Republic.

                                             Above  Wou Lien-Pai, Chairman of Fengtian Provincial Assembly, 1909
                                                       上  吳蓮伯,奉天府主席,1909年
                                                       Right  Wou Lien-Pai, circa 1916-17
                                                        右  吳蓮伯,約1916至1917年
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