Page 5 - Sotheby's Dr. Wou Kiuan Collection CHINESE ART , Oct. 9, 2022
P. 5


                         A MICROCOSM CAPTURING

                                   CHINA’S GRANDEUR

                                                       REGINA KRAHL



                       he fine collection of ancient Chinese works of art presented here in part reflects
                       China’s past not only through its ancient artefacts, but equally through the   此組中國古代藝術珍品收藏,無論藏品本
             Tstory of its formation. Its unusual realization is largely a product of historical   身,還是收藏集成背後之故事,在某程度上
             events and tells of a man caught in the throes of history. The collector, Dr Wou Kiuan (Wu   都是中國歷史足跡的映照。收藏之集成來
             Quan, 1910-1997) was born in China at the very end of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) into a   自一連串歷史事件,訴説藏家親歷山河變
             well-connected and cultured family, his father actively involved in the country’s momentous
             transformation from Imperial rule to a Republic. As a young man in the 1930s, he followed
             the natural path of China’s intelligentsia and went to study in Paris – like Zhou Enlai, Deng
             Xiaoping and many other personalities that should later become illustrious, as well as many   紛遠赴巴黎留學,其中包括周恩來、鄧小平
             Chinese artists such as Xu Beihong, Lin Fengmian, Sanyu and others, who widened their   等偉人,還有徐悲鴻、林風眠、常玉等藝術
             stylistic horizons at French academies. After receiving a Doctorate of Law at the Sorbonne,   家在法國學界當中開拓風格視野。年輕的吳
             Wou Kiuan was ready to enter a diplomatic career. He joined the Foreign Affairs Service of   權也順著風潮遠赴法國,他在索邦大學獲得
             the meanwhile established Republican government of China and held posts in Paris and   法學博士學位後,準備開展其外交事業,加
             London. Yet, the outbreak of the War made a smooth path in a profession such as that
             illusory. With the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the government concentrated
             on the situation inland. Interest in international relations was limited as the country shut
             itself off, and hopes of a continuation of diplomatic service were practically nil.   係的興趣日減,吳權的外交工作無奈中斷。

             What may seem like a rather dramatic personal situation, Wou Kiuan turned into an   面對戲劇化的個人狀況變遷,吳博士將之化
             opportunity. Freed of time constraints, he started to study in depth the culture and
             civilization of his native country, from which he was now separated, but not estranged.
             Faced with what must have seemed like an uncertain future of this motherland, a   定決心,為後世珍存具有代表性的中國文
             determination developed to preserve a representative selection of tokens of her culture,    物,作爲中華文化輝煌千年的縮影。
             for foreigners as well as for future generations of Chinese, as a kind of microcosm
             to reflect millennia of China’s grandeur.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Dr Wou Kiuan, circa 1946

           8  A JOURNEY THROUGH CHINA’S HISTORY THE DR WOU KIUAN COLLECTION PART II                                                                                                                                                        SOTHEBY’S HONG KONG  9
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