Page 284 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Tantra Buddhost Art
P. 284




PORTRAIT OF THE FIFTH                                            西藏鎏金銅銘文五世夏瑪巴袞秋

SHAMARPA, KÖNCHOK                                                顏拉坐像

YENLAK                                                           喜瑪拉雅藝術資源網編號13449

TIBET, 16TH – 17TH CENTURY                                       來源:
the lama seated cross-legged on a lotus throne, both
hands resting on the knees, wearing a patchwork inner vest
heightened with foliate motif, the skirt fastened high around
the waist and secured with a thick belt, with heavy outer robe
further heightened with foliate motif and wrapped around both
shoulders to fall in vertical pleats down the back, the reverse
with Tibetan inscription

Himalayan Art Resources item no. 13449
18.5 cm, 7¼ in.

Christie’s London, 11th December 1973, lot 35.

HK$ 120,000-180,000
US$ 15,400-23,100

The Tibetan inscription on the reverse of this elegant bronze    holders bear striking similarities. Compare the rounded lotus
identifies this figure as the Fifth Shamar Rinpoche, Könchok     petals and interspersed leaf motif, and stepped base with
Yenlak (1525-1583). The inscription reads:                       single row of beaded pearls with a small protruding lower lip,
                                                                 with a seventeenth century gilt-bronze figure of the Kagyü
Homage to the victorious Shamar-chöpen-dzinpa Könchok            poet-saint Milarepa, see Donald Dinwiddie, et al., Portraits
Yenlak!                                                          of the Masters: Bronze Sculptures of the Tibetan Buddhist
                                                                 Lineages, Chicago, 2003, pp. 144-145, cat. no. 20; and on
The first Shamar tulku, Kedrub Dragpa Senggé, was                another seventeenth century gilt-bronze figure depicting
recognised by the third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje in 1283, and      a Shamarpa, likely Konchog Yanlag, sold in our New York
presented with a red replica of the unique, double-peaked        rooms, 15th March 2017, lot 220. Compare also the concentric
black hat for which the Karmapa was known. From this point       sunburst pattern incised on the outer robes of both Shamar
the incarnation lineage of Kedrub Dragpa Senggé was known        bronzes, the distinctive treatment of the robe hanging in a
as the Shamar or Red Hat lineage. Könchok Yenlak was a           tight arc across the knees and tucked neatly under the feet,
disciple of the Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje, who identified       and the vertical folds on the back of the robe.
the latter as a child and passed on the entirety of the Karma
Kagyü transmission.                                              Sotheby’s is extremely grateful for the assistance of Yannick
                                                                 Laurent, Wolfson College, Oxford University, in translating the
Recognisable themes and stylistic tropes emerged from the        Tibetan and providing the research for this lot.
Karma Kagyü metal casting ateliers, and many sixteenth and
seventeenth century bronzes depicting Karma Kagyü lineage

Inscription 銘文
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