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          PROPERTY FROM THE KAISENDO MUSEUM          清乾隆     剔紅榴開百子蓋壺                                                PROPERTY FROM THE KAISENDO MUSEUM           清十八世紀   剔紅人物故事圖扇形蓋盒
          A RARE CARVED CINNABAR LACQUER ‘BOYS’                                                                      A CINNABAR LACQUER FAN-SHAPED BOX,
          TEAPOT AND COVER                                                                                           COVER AND STAND
          QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG PERIOD                                                                              QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY
          the vessel carved in the form of a pomegranate fruit, the                                                  the flattened cover meticulously carved to the top with a scene
          exterior rendered with boys at play, the waisted neck further                                              of sages and attendants in an idyllic mountainous landscape,
          decorated with a trompe l’oeil sash, the cover with globular                                               the sides of box and cover carved with a honeycomb diaper
          finial, Japanese wood box                                                                                  ground each enclosing a floret, the stand carved to the top
          14.3 cm, 5⅝ in.                                                                                            with a diaper ground raised on five scroll feet, the interiors and
                                                                                                                     bases lacquered black, Japanese wood box
                                                                                                                     38.5 cm, 15⅛ in.
          HK$ 240,000-300,000
          US$ 31,100-38,800
                                                                                                                     HK$ 240,000-300,000
                                                                                                                     US$ 31,100-38,800
         The sumptuous design of a lively scene of boys at play in a   example sold in our London rooms, 11th May 2016, lot 78. The
         garden is a popular motif in the Qianlong period. A Qianlong   vivid naturalism of the handles, simulating gnarled branches,   This rare lacquer box, skilfully conceived in the shape of a   Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Lacquer Wares
         box and cover, inscribed with wanzi baohe and a four-character   is reminiscent of that on Qianlong porcelain. See, for example,   fan, encapsulates the innovation and opulence of the Imperial   of the Qing Dynasty, Hong Kong, 2006, pl. 39.
         reign mark, from the Qing court collection and still in Beijing,   the similar treatment of the handles on a pair of famille-rose   workshops in the Qianlong era. The sumptuous scene of sages   Another rare 18th century fan-shaped cinnabar lacquer box
         is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the   teapots sold at Bonham’s London, 12th May 2011, lot 368.   and attendants in an idyllic mountainous landscape is skilfully   and cover of similar form, illustrated in Derek Clifford, Chinese
         Palace Museum. Lacquer Wares of the Qing Dynasty, Hong   For lacquered Yixing teapots and cover, see a Qianlong mark   carved in varying levels of relief. The conception of the box   Carved Lacquer, London, 1992, pl. 108, was sold at Christie’s
         Kong, 2006, pl. 10. Another Qianlong box and cover with   and period example in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,   and cover, and texture of the carved decoration, is reminiscent   Hong Kong, 28th April 2003, lot 732.
         a scene of boys at play was sold in our London rooms, 7th   illustrated in K.S. Lo, The Stonewares of Yixing from the Ming   of that on a smaller box and cover on a stand from the Qing
         November 2018, lot 115. The form of the teapot itself is rare,   Period to the Present Day, London, 1986, pl. VII, and a similar   court collection and still in Beijing, illustrated in The Complete
         and few examples of lacquer teapots are recorded.  example sold in our London rooms, 11th May 2016, lot 78. The
         For lacquered Yixing teapots and cover, see a Qianlong mark   vivid naturalism of the handles, simulating gnarled branches,
         and period example in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,   is reminiscent of that on Qianlong porcelain. See, for example,
         illustrated in K.S. Lo, The Stonewares of Yixing from the Ming   the similar treatment of the handles on a pair of famille-rose
         Period to the Present Day, London, 1986, pl. VII, and a similar   teapots sold at Bonham’s London, 12th May 2011, lot 368.

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