Page 46 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 46

          Regina Krahl

          This gilt-bronze Avalokiteshvara figure is highly idiosyncratic in   It would seem that the sculptors of the present figure had                        range of 970-1120), illustrated in Denise Patry Leidy and
          style and outstandingly rare, with only one other comparable   not yet seen a Yongle image and were thus innocent enough                               Lawrence Becker, Wisdom Embodied. Chinese Buddhist and
          sculpture being recorded, in the Asian Art Museum of San   to formulate their own style. Between Tang and Ming (1368-                                  Daoist Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
          Francisco, from the Avery Brundage collection. While its   1644) dynasties, a multitude of imperial and royal courts – the                             2010, cat. no. A38.
          modelling and casting quality is beyond any doubt, it is not   Five Dynasties (907-60), Liao, Song (960-1279), Jurchen Jin                             Stylistically, facial features and proportions of this sculpture
          easy to immediately place it in the history of Chinese Buddhist   (1115-1234), Tangut Western Xia (1038-1227) and Mongol                               are also reminiscent of Guanyin images carved into the rock
          bronze sculpting.                          Yuan (1279-1368) – exerted influence on the appearance of                                                   at the Huayan Caves, Anyue county, Sichuan province, which
          Buddhist gilt bronze figures were produced in China almost   works of art, both religious and secular, so that not one style                           can be attributed to the Northern Song dynasty; see Zhongguo
          right from the start, when Buddhism was embraced by   gained overall acceptance. The stylistic variety of works of art                                 meishu quanji: Diaosu bian [Complete series on Chinese art:
          various courts in the period of China’s division after the Han   in that period can therefore be overwhelming, and the artistic                        Sculpture section], 12: Sichuan shiku diaosu [Sichuan cave
          dynasty (206 BC – AD 220). Until the Tang dynasty (607-  development is by no means one-directional.                                                   sculpture], Beijing, 1988, pls 128 and 130.
          906), however, they remained very small. A first development   The present sculpture is therefore something like a phare in                            The closely related gilt-bronze Avalokiteshvara figure in the
          away from small votive images took place already in the   an uncharted sea. It comes from a period when the Guanyin                                    Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, which is lacking the rich
          Khitan Liao dynasty (907-1125), when sculptures not only   image had not yet turned                                                                    ornaments and ribbons around the head, is illustrated in René-
          became bigger, but also underwent a stylistic treatment   sweet and feminine,                                                                          Yvon Lefebvre d’Argencé, ed., Chinese, Korean and Japanese
          towards a more abstract sculptural beauty. Yet it was to   and although the basic                                                                      Sculpture in the Avery Brundage Collection, San Francisco,
          take another important step before precious gilt-bronze   facial features suggest                                                                      1974, pl. 159 (fig. 3).
          images such as the present figure, in a size comparable to   a woman’s face, the
          the much cheaper wooden sculptures, were commissioned.   addition of small curls                                                                       While Yuan dynasty qingbai figures of similar size may at first
          This development culminated in the Yongle period (1403-24),   to indicate beard and                                                                    glance seem closely related, they tend to be much softer and
          when the court took total control of their production – as it did   moustache are an                                                                   more distinctly feminine in appearance; see four Guanyin
          for other artefacts, in particular porcelain and lacquer – and   unmistakeable effort                                                                  figures, from the collections of C.P. Lin, the Nelson-Atkins
          a distinct style was devised, which should become classic   to counterbalance                                                                          Museum of Art, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and
          and determining for all future design of Buddhist gilt-bronze   this effect. This                                                                      the Metropolitan Museum, New York, illustrated in Stacey
          images.                                    way of representing                                                                                         Pierson, ed., Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and
                                                     Avalokiteshvara is                                                fig. 3                                    Yuan Dynasties, London, 2002, pls 119-22.
                                                     characteristic of Tang                                            Gilt-Bronze seated figure of a Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara with four   It is highly unusual to find a Bodhisattva figure wearing a
                                                     painting executed at                                              heads, Song dynasty, The Avery Brundage Collection, B60S543  dragon-decorated robe, but the dragons seen on the present
                                                     Dunhuang in Gansu                                                 © Asian Art Museum, San Francisco. Used by permission.  gilt bronze also confirm a pre-Yuan attribution. Compare
                                                     province, either in form                                          宋 鎏金銅觀音菩薩坐像                               similar seemingly boneless incised dragons with the head
                                                     of wall paintings inside                                          布倫德基舊藏                                    almost dissolved into a cloud motif and three-clawed feet with
                                                     the Caves or banners                                              © 舊金山亞洲藝術博物館授權使用(編號:B60S543)              nails not yet set off at an angle, on Song dynasty Ding wares,
                                                     and other textiles                                                                                          for example, a dish and a washer included in the exhibition
                                                     discovered there.                                                                                           Qianxi nian Songdai wenwu dazhan/China at the Inception of
                                                                                                                                                                 the Second Millennium: Art and Culture of the Sung Dynasty,
                                                     Models for the style of a                                                            e    e
                                                     figure such as this could                                       trait. Calligraphies et dessins du V  au XIX  siècle, Bibliothèque   960-1279, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2000, cat. nos II-21
                                                     have been sketches                                              nationale de France, Paris, 2004, cat. no. 36a, where it has   and III-17 (fig. 4).
                                                     as were done for wall                                           been tentatively attributed by Nathalie Monnet to the late Tang
                                                     paintings, some of which                                        or Five Dynasties, 10th century (fig. 1).
                                                     have survived. An ink                                           This sketch is echoed in a large number of Buddhist paintings
                                                     sketch of a Bodhisattva                                         from Dunhuang, done over an extended period from the late
                                                     head, drawn on the                                              Tang through the Five Dynasties to the early Northern Song
                                                     reverse of an earlier                                           (960-1127) dynasty, which can be attributed to the 9th and
                                                     Daoist manuscript                                               10th centuries. Compare, for example, paintings of Guanyin
                                                     that was used as                                                figures illustrated in Jacques Giès, Les arts de l’Asie central. La
                                                     scrap paper, has been                                           collection Paul Pelliot du musée national des arts asiatiques –
                                                     discovered at Dunhuang                                          Guimet, Paris, 1996, vol. I, pls 52-72, and vol. II, pls 11-35.
                                                     and is now in the   fig. 2                                      A group of paintings attributable to the 10th century, the
                                                     Bibliothèque nationale   Guanyin with Thousand Arms and         Five Dynasties to early Northern Song, shows an even closer
                                                     de France, Paris. It   Thousand Eyes, detail, Northern Song     Bodhisattva image with multiple heads similar to the present
                                                     shows a very similar   Dynasty, 10th century                    figure, often with an eye on the forehead and hands, also richly
                                                     head with moustache   © Musée Guimet, Paris, Dist (no. EO       adorned with jewellery and often with similar facial features;   fig. 4
                                                                         1173). RMN-Grand Palais / Droits
                                                     and beard, sharply   réservés                                   see in particular Giès, op.cit., vol. I, pls 86, 89-93, and vol. II, pls   Dingyao Dish with Incised Dragon, detail, Northern Song Dynasty,
          fig. 1                                     curved eyebrows, thick   圖二                                     64 and 65 (fig. 2).                            11th Century
                                                                                                                                                                    National Palace Museum, Taipei
          Ink Sketch of a Bodhisattva Head, detail, Late Tang to Five Dynasties, 10th   lips, neck with horizontal   北宋十世紀 千手千目觀音菩薩像(                               圖四
          century, discovered at Dunhuang, Gansu     folds, and rich jewellery   局部)                                 There is also a standing wooden Bodhisattva figure carved in   北宋十一世紀 定窰白瓷劃龍紋蓮瓣盤(局部)
          © Bibliothèque nationale de France         and ribbons; it was   巴黎吉美國立亞洲藝術博物館藏品(編                         a related style in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,   台北國立故宮博物院
          圖一                                         included in the exhibition   號:EO 1173)                         possibly also from the Dunhuang Cave complex in Gansu,
          晚唐或五代十世紀 白描草稿(局部,觀音菩薩頭像) 甘肅敦煌              Chine: L’empire du   © Musée Guimet, Paris, Dist. RMN-Grand     attributed to the 10th/11th century (with a radiocarbon date
          © 法國國家圖書館                                                      Palais / Droits réservés

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