Page 63 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 63
A FINE AND SUPERBLY ENAMELLED PAIR OF 清雍正 鬪彩八仙過海盌一對 Yongzheng doucai bowls of this design are rare and only three 此對鬪彩盌所繪八仙,身著飄帶仙袍,赴王母蟠桃盛
DOUCAI ‘EIGHT IMMORTALS’ BOWLS 《大清雍正年製》款 other pairs are known: one pair was sold in these rooms, 20th 宴而歸,神態悠然,刻畫入微,展現雍正年間御瓷之
MARKS AND PERIOD OF YONGZHENG November 1984, lot 501; another pair was sold at Christie’s 精益求精,巧工妙製。釉下鈷青勾勒渾染,精準恰
London, 4th December 1995, lot 153; and the third pair was
each delicately painted on the exterior with the Eight Daoist 來源: sold twice at Christie’s Hong Kong, 31st October 1994, lot 617, 宜,盡現仙家袍服飄逸。如非有皇命大興瓷燒,難集
Immortals in billowing robes and surrounded by multi-coloured 中野忠太郎(1862-1939年)收藏, 新潟縣,二十世紀 and again, 29th May 2007, lot 1462. This motif is also known 細煉瓷土、巧工藝匠,成就如此佳飾雅瓷。
scrolling clouds, the interior decorated with a central medallion 初入藏 painted in underglaze blue only, such as a bowl, from the
of the Three Star Gods beneath an overhanging pine tree, the 香港佳士得2010年5月31日,編號1876 Agatha and Irving Aronson collection, sold at Christie’s New 對盌極罕,目前已知相似者,僅見三例,一例售於香
base inscribed with a six-character reign mark, Japanese wood York, 21st-22nd March 2013, lot 1473. 港蘇富比1984年11月20日,編號501;第二例售於倫敦
box 亞洲家族收藏
10.9 cm, 4¼ in. 香港蘇富比2015年10月7日,編號3637 The polychrome (doucai) colour scheme, where the outline is 佳士得1995年12月4日,編號153;第三例曾兩度售於香
drawn in underglaze blue and filled with washes of underglaze 港佳士得,分別於1994年10月31日,編號617;及2007
PROVENANCE blue and four different overglaze enamels, gained popularity 年5月59日,編號1462。另有青花類例,如 Agatha and
Collection of Chutaro Nakano (1862-1939), Niigata, acquired in with the Chenghua Emperor. The doucai style is ideally suited Irving Aronson 伉儷舊藏,售於紐約佳士得2013年3月
the early 20th century. for rendering this scene of the Eight Immortals. A perfect 21-22日,編號1473。
Christie’s Hong Kong, 31st May 2010, lot 1876. harmony of delicately pencilled underglaze-blue lines with
An Asian family collection. vivid blocks of iron red, yellow, green and aubergine endow the
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7th October 2015, lot 3637. scene with a sense of ethereality which is fitting to the subject. 此對盌,巧思細作。以鈷青輪廓與明豔鐵紅、黃、
Furthermore, the doucai style, which was originally probably 綠、紫彩完美相合,輕盈靈動,與八仙主題高度契
HK$ 6,000,000-8,000,000 referred to as wucai, ‘five colours’, and the clouds surrounding 合。鬪彩瓷,創燒於明成化一朝,康熙時得以復興,
US$ 780,000-1,040,000 the immortals carry further symbolic meaning. ‘Rainbow- 雍正年間,工藝尤精。
coloured’ or five-coloured clouds (wuse yun) are considered
highly auspicious portends of good omens. As seen on the 青花作勾勒,滿填礬紅、黃、綠、紫彩,顏色搭配巧
present pair of bowls, auspicious rainbow-coloured clouds
are often depicted in lingzhi (longevity fungus) shape, and the 妙,不似在人間,是以鬪彩繪八仙,尤為合適。鬪
lingzhi itself has the form of the wish-granting ruyi (‘according 彩,原為五彩之屬,盌上所飾彩色卷雲,遂又稱五色
to your wish’) sceptre. 祥雲,是為禎符嘉兆。如對盌所見,祥雲常取靈芝之