Page 66 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 66
AN EXQUISITE AND RARE PAIR OF PINK- 清乾隆 此對粉彩撇口尊,華美精緻,反映乾隆時期御窰致力 豐潤柔美,嬌蕊更為形式化,宛如洛可可風格裝飾,
GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE SGRAFFIATO VASES 粉彩粉地錦上添花鋪首撇口尊一對 創新之貌。乾隆帝重文愛藝,乃歷史上著名鑑賞家, 以明暗技巧突顯紋飾立體感。
SEAL MARKS AND PERIOD OF QIANLONG 十分關心宮廷御作坊與景德鎮御窰廠之工藝製作。弘
《乾隆年製》款 本品造形、尺寸、紋飾皆獨特罕見,或為孤例。比較
each with a pair of gilt-decorated lion mask handles flanking 曆的審美偏好,與藉由工藝展現歷史悠長、國力強盛 一尺寸較小之黃彩軋道錦地纏枝花卉紋鋪首尊,為玫
the tall trumpet neck, the exterior of the vessel skilfully painted 來源: 之意圖,深深影響當朝瓷藝發展。本品彰顯乾隆窰瓷 茵堂舊藏,最後一回售於香港蘇富比2013年4月8日,
with multi-coloured floral scrolls against a pink sgraffiato 巴黎德魯奧大樓,Millon et Associés 拍賣,2004年6月9 匠巧能高藝,汲古創新,融會傳統與當時盛行的西洋 編號15。並參考一件松石綠地作例,尺寸甚大,綴近
ground, further rendered with bands of keyfret, lappets and 技法、元素,所製珍品巧奪天工,前所未見。
waves, the interior and base enamelled turquoise, the latter 日,編號 332 類獅首,最近一次售於香港蘇富比2010年4月8日,編
centred with an iron-red four-character seal mark reserved in 對尊釉彩明豔,受西洋裝飾藝術影響,卷葉紋似鳥羽 號1852。
white 出版:
15 cm, 5⅞ in. 《Cabinet Portier, 100 ans, 1909-2009》,巴黎,2010年,
頁162,編號 686
Hôtel Drouot, Paris, Millon et Associés, 9th June 2004, lot 332.
Cabinet Portier, 100 ans, 1909-2009, Paris, 2010, p. 162,
no 686.
HK$ 7,000,000-9,000,000
US$ 905,000-1,170,000
This exquisite pair of vases represents the pursuits of decades earlier in the Kangxi reign. A Qianlong contribution
innovative porcelain forms and designs in the Qianlong was the delicately engraved scrollwork that covers almost
period. A true connoisseur in the history of Chinese art, the the entire surface of the vessels. The needle-point etching
Qianlong Emperor took a keen interest in the work of the of endless scrolling fronds required remarkable skill and
various imperial manufactories in his empire, particularly the precision, as well as careful planning prior to the painting of
Jingdezhen imperial kilns. His personal taste for ornamentation the motif. While time-consuming and labour-intensive, the
and desire to produce objects that both affirmed the power technique adds a sense of opulence and luxury to the vases
and wealth of his reign and represented China’s glorious and conveys the impression of rich brocade.
history, greatly influenced the kilns’ artistic direction. Vases The Qianlong Emperor eagerly challenged his artists and
such as the present pair showcase the potters’ ability to fuse artisans at the Jingdezhen imperial kilns to create wares
coherently elements from antiquity with international trends that were inspired or convincingly simulated objects in other
and the taste that prevailed at court, creating complex and materials. The liberal use of gilt and the sculptural rendering
engaging works of art. of the lion-head handles on these vases display an attempt at
These vases are especially rich in their design and choice simulating the visual qualities of contemporary metalwares.
of palette; leaves and lotus flowers are finely shaded in The linear wave pattern on the shoulder, on the other hand,
contrasting pastel enamels over a strikingly rich pink ground. represents a liberal reinterpretation of a well-known archaic
The rendering of the design and choice of palette were bronze design.
unmistakably influenced by Western decorative art, absorbed These vases are unusual in both shape and size, as well as in
by Jingdezhen potters in the 17th and 18th century. Leaves their decorative scheme, and no other closely related vase
with luxuriant feathery fronds, highly stylised blooms, and the appears to exist. Compare a vase of similar small size, and
pearl-like roundels scattered around the design recall motifs with lion-head handles, but painted with a floral scroll against
on Rococo furnishings, here imbued with a three-dimensional a yellow sgraffiato ground, from the Meiyintang collection, sold
quality through the delicate shading. The pastel-tone enamels twice in these rooms, 8th April 2009, lot 1601, and 8th April
themselves were first used on porcelain only some two 2013, lot 15.