Page 75 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 75


 A FINE AND RARE PAIR OF FAMILLE-ROSE   清乾隆   粉彩五子登科圖盌一對   This rare pair of bowls is sensitively painted in famille-rose   educated elite to raise sons that could preserve the literary

 ‘BOYS’ BOWLS   《乾隆年製》款  enamels with a lively and playful depiction of boys in a   prestige and intellectual status of the family.
 SEAL MARKS AND PERIOD OF QIANLONG  garden. The charming scene reflects the Jingdezhen potters’   Despite the popularity of this subject, bowls of this design
            confidence with the famille-rose palette, which they used to   painted in famille-rose enamels are very rare and no other
 each painted on the exterior with a continuous scene depicting   來源:  successfully capture the different textures of the design: from   closely related example appears to have been published. Three
 five boys, including two holding lanterns, all below a gilt rim,   歐洲私人收藏   the loose clothing of the boys, to the ragged rockwork and   Qianlong mark and period bowls painted with a procession of
 the interior and base enamelled turquoise, the latter centred   倫敦佳士得2012年5月15日,編號337  their animated poses and joyful expressions.  boys celebrating the Lantern Festival, were sold at Christie’s
 with an iron-red four-character seal mark reserved on white
 15 cm, 5⅞ in.  The depictions of children playing outdoors was a popular   Hong Kong, the first, 1st October 1992, lot 994, the second,
            theme on porcelain during the Qianlong period. Representing   31st October 1994, lot 659, and 2nd November 1999, lot 552,
 PROVENANCE  此對盌施粉彩,於器身繪五子登科圖,筆意精微,稚  the wish of many virtuous sons, the festive and joyous nature   and the third, 27th November 2007, lot 1764.
 A European private collection.   趣盎然。童子衣衫寬綽,神態栩栩,圖中景象呼之欲  of this subject made it ideal on object commissioned by the   Images of boys playing in a garden are more commonly found
            Emperor to be presented as gifts and tributes on the occasion
 Christie’s London, 15th May 2012, lot 337.  出,可見景德鎮陶匠運用粉彩已駕輕就熟。  on vases, such as two famille-rose vases and a small jar with
            of festivities. The boys on these bowls are depicted merrily   continuous scenes of boys, from the Qing court collection
 乾隆朝瓷器常飾嬰戲園中。此類題材寓意子孫昌盛,  playing with lanterns and some carrying objects connected   and still in Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of
 HK$ 7,000,000-9,000,000    所飾器物尤宜慶典場合進獻天子。現例所飾童子或提  with scholarly pursuits and auspiciousness. A boy carries a   Treasures in the Palace Museum. Porcelains with Cloisonne
 US$ 905,000-1,170,000     燈籠,或抱盆卉,或持如意,或握筆硯,皆蘊文雅、  ruyi sceptre, another a brush and a third a jardinière. A popular   Enamel Decoration and Famille Rose Decoration, Hong Kong,
 祥瑞之氣。自明代以來,嬰戲紋飾多作童子仿效大人  theme from the Ming dynasty onwards, depictions of children   1999, pls 87, 91, 92.
            imitating adults revelated the intense ambition among the
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