Page 17 - Chinese Ceramics the Linyushanren Collection Part 1 , Christie's
P. 17

fig. 5 Presence of gold particles found in a puce-enamelled seal on a falangcai    fig. 6 Presence of gold particles found in a puce-enamelled seal on Lot 2888
        ‘hibiscus and osmanthus’ bowl, 200x magnification. Courtesy of the          (圖六)拍品2888號「清香」紅印,局部放大後觀察到的金微米顆粒
         National Palace Museum,Taipei

(圖五)清 雍正琺瑯彩綠地芙蓉桂花碗「旭映」紅印,

It was found that the rose and purple enamels of the                                本碗上所畫的金紅料印章分別是:「鳳采」(朱文),「壽
Yongzheng period sometimes contained colloidal gold 29. In                          古」 (白文),「香清」 (朱文)。這三個印章的組
the exhibition catalogue of Yongzheng falangcai pieces, the                         合還能在其他幾件雍正琺瑯彩瓷器上看見,如台北故宮
researchers of the National Palace Museum demonstrated                              所藏一對〈茶梅十二喜〉碗 (080),兩件〈松竹梅圖〉
that under magnifying glass, gold particles can sometimes be                        盤(08822, 09023)及北京故宮博物院所藏的〈松竹梅圖〉
found on puce or pink-enamelled areas (fig. 5). It is worth                         橄欖瓶 24。雖然「鳳采」印文有「鳳」字,但是此印通
mentioning that the same phenomenon can be observed when                            常伴隨竹子出現,如台北故宮幾件例子上可見 (03025,
the puce enamel on the current bowl is magnified, and gold                          03626,05427,05528 等)。「壽古」、「香清」則是常
particles can be seen clearly (fig. 6)                                              與梅花一起出現的印章。

The mark on the current bowl, like those on most of the                             金紅料是康熙 / 雍正時期提煉的新琺瑯料,以膠體金為
other falangcai pieces, is written in Songtizi 宋 體 字 (Song-                         呈色劑。在《金成旭映:清雍正琺瑯彩瓷圖錄》中,故
style characters) – square form characters whose thin strokes                       宮博物院的研究員提出膠體金有時在燒製時會析出金微
terminate in triangles, and commonly used on woodblock                              米顆粒 29(圖五),這個現象在此碗的金紅料印章上也
printed books. Although it originated from books printed by                         可以觀察得到(圖六)。
the printing studio of Chen Qi in the Southern Song Dynasty,
it became widely popular when it was adapted on late Ming

It is recorded in the 5th year of Yongzheng:

‘On the 22nd day of the same month (10th month),                                    此碗上的年款,與絕大多數的雍正琺瑯彩瓷一樣,以宋
Director Hai Wang reported to Prince Yi on the matter                               體字書寫。宋體字起始於南宋臨安陳起的書坊所印的刻
of the lack of craftsmen who can write seal marks in                                板書。在明代時被書商爭相仿效啟用。
At the moment there is Xu Guozheng, who specializes in
writing Song-style calligraphy, and can take on the job of                              本月十二日郎中海望為造辦處無寫篆字人啟稱怡親
writing seals. He is also of honest character. I am minded                              王,今有寫宋字人徐國正會寫篆字,人亦老實,欲
to pay him a salary and expenses, so to employ him to                                   給徐國正工食食用,令其在造辦處效力行走等語。
work in Zaobanchu, etc.                                                                 奉王諭:爾等酌量料理。遵此。

The Prince decreed:

Arrange it as you see fit.

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