Page 76 - Sothebys Fine Japanese Art London, November 2018
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DOMOTO HISAO (1928-2013) LITERATURE Domoto was an instant success in Paris and
SOLUTION DE CONTINUITE, 1966 Shinichoro Osaki, ‘Hisao Domoto: Movement and became friends with other emerging painters
Discontinuity’, Shinchiro Osaki, Etsuko Sugiyama such as Soulages and Zao Wou-ki. His first solo
堂本尚郎(1928 – 2013)、連続の溶解、裏面に exhibition at the Stadler Gallery, Paris 1957 was
サイン、タイトル、年期 1966年 (eds.) highly successful and in the same year his work
Hisao Dōmoto (1928-2013) was born in Kyoto appeared in an exhibition organized by Michel
oil on canvas, signed, titled and dated 1966 New to a family of artists and connoisseurs. His
York on reverse father collected traditional Japanese ceramics, Tapie entitled L’art Mondial Contemporain a Tokyo.
57.5 x 67 cm, 26½ x 22¾ in. calligraphy and painting. Dōmoto studied nihonga In 1958 Dōmoto collaborated on a special issue
(traditional Japanese painting) at Kyoto Shiritsu of the Gutai journal entitled L’Aventure Informelle
PROVENANCE and visited New York in the same year for his first
Bijutsu Senmongakko (Kyoto City University
Martha Jackson Gallery, New York of Arts) from 1945-1949. In 1948, while still at solo exhibition at the Martha Jackson gallery.
Triangle Gallery, San Francisco university, one of his works was selected for the There he met with Jasper Johns, whose White
Private collection, San Francisco Nitten (Japan Fine Arts Exhibition). Flag made a lasting impression on him.
EXHIBITED In 1952 Dōmoto travelled with his uncle Inshō Dōmoto parted from Tapie and Informel in 1962
Hisao Domoto Retrospective, The National to Italy, France and Spain where he first and started the Solutions de Continuité (Solutions
of Continuity) series in 1963 using heavy impasto
Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, and Setagaya Art encountered Western art, an experience which (thickly applied paint) in vertical and horizontal
Museum, Tokyo, Japan, 2005 eventually motivated him to take a studio on strips which are then scraped back to reveal
Seeing Round Corners, Turner Contemporary, the Left Bank of Paris in 1955. In the 1950s, he other previously applied colours beneath.
Margate, Sat 21 May - Sun 25 Sep 2016 became associated with Art Informel (Art Without
Form) a Paris based influential art movement £ 50,000-70,000
headed by Michel Tapie (1909-1987).
€ 56,500-79,000 US$ 66,000-92,500