Page 326 - japanese and korean art Utterberg Collection Christie's March 22 2022
P. 326

172                                                  PROPERTY OF AN IMPORTANT PRIVATE INSTITUTION

                UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)                        173
                Teppozu                                              UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)
                Woodblock print, from the series Toto meisho (Famous places in the   Seichu gishi den (Stories of the true loyalty of the faithful
                Eastern Capital), signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga, published by Kagaya   samurai)
                Kichiemon (Kichibei), circa 1830-35                  Woodblock print, an album comprising 76 prints from the series
                Horizontal oban: 9¬ x 14¡ in. (24.4 x 36.5 cm.)      Seichu gishi den (Stories of the true loyalty of the faithful samurai),
                                                                     including the beginning pages and ending page, signed Ichiyusai
                                                                     Kuniyoshi ga, published by Ebiya Rinnosuke (Kaijudo), 1847
                                                                     14¿ x 9¬ in. (35.9 x 24.4 cm.)                  (76)
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