Page 20 - Lunyushanren Col II
P. 20


北 A MOLDED YAOZHOU DEEP BOWL                                               北宋 耀州窯青釉印纏枝花卉紋盌


州 The bowl is molded on the interior with full-face blossoms               纏枝花卉紋為北宋耀州窯最為流行的裝飾母題之一。此種紋飾最早
   alternating with blossoms in profle borne on a leafy meandering         是由刀刻而成。匠師在刻飾圖案時以斜鋒下刀,形成線條一邊直
窯  vine surrounding two blossoms borne on an ‘S’-shaped stem in the        口,一邊斜口。由於積釉的原故,直邊深處呈色較深,斜邊愈接近
   center, and the exterior is carved with simplifed petals rising to the  中後期以後,印花工藝在耀州窯大行其道。如本品所示之印花工藝
青 slightly everted rim. The bowl is covered overall with a glaze of
磁 attractive olive-green color.

印 6 in. (15.5 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box                                上海博物館藏有與本件盌器形和紋飾完全一致的印模,載於1985

花 $12,000-18,000                                      £9,100-14,000        年東京出版《中國陶瓷全集》,卷十:耀州窯,編號72。東京國立

花                                         HK$93,000-140,000                博物館藏有一件與本品近似的耀州窯印花盌,見大阪市立東洋陶磁

卉 Floral scroll designs were popular motifs on Northern Song               美術館編,東京1997年出版,《耀州窯 : 中国中原に華ひらいた名
文 Yaozhou wares. Early on, such designs were executed by a                 窯》,46頁,編號58。

碗  labor-intensive carving technique. The designs were carved at
   an angle, and as the glaze pooled in the recesses it produced an

   almost dichromatic effect, giving a sense of depth to the design.

   Later, impressed or molded techniques were introduced at the

   Yaozhou kilns, and the molded designs, such as that on the present

   bowl, achieved an effect similar to carved decoration and greatly

   improved the effciency of production.

   A pottery mold of this particular design is in the collection of
   the Shanghai Museum, and is illustrated in Zhongguo taoci quanji
   (Compendium of Chinese Ceramics), vol. 10: Yaozhou ware,
   Tokyo, 1985, no. 72. A smaller Yaozhou celadon bowl with
   a closely related design, in the Tokyo National Museum, is
   illustrated in The Masterpieces of Yaozhou Ware, Tokyo, 1997, p.46,
   no. 58.

                                                                           another view

The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(二)                                                       18
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