Page 60 - Lunyushanren Col II
P. 60


北 A VERY RARE PERSIMMON-GLAZED                                                    北宋 紫金釉梅瓶
              NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY (960-1127)                                    安宅收藏。

柿                                                                                 展覽
釉                                                                                 日本經濟新聞社,大阪三越百貨公司,《中国陶磁名品展:安宅コ
瓶 The vase is well potted with an ovoid body rising to a faring neck              レクション》, 1972年11月。
                                                                                  朝日新聞社,《宋磁 : 神品とよばれたやきもの》,東京,1999年
             below a fat everted mouth rim. The exterior and recessed base are    3月6日至4月13日;大阪,4月25日至6月13日;荻,6月20日至8
             covered with a glaze of russet-brown tone with an attractive sheen,  月15日。
             stopping irregularly above the unglazed foot.                        佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2012年11
8√ in. (22.6 cm.) high, Japanese double wood box                                  至14日。

$150,000-250,000               £120,000-190,000                                   著錄
                       HK$1,200,000-1,900,000                                     小山富士夫編,《世界陶磁全集》,卷十:宋遼篇,東京,
PROVENANCE                                                                        日本經濟新聞社,《中国陶磁名品展:安宅コレクション》,
The Ataka Collection.                                                             東京,1972年,編號14。
                                                                                  小山富士夫,《陶磁大系38天目》, 東京,1974年, 圖62。
EXHIBITED                                                                         朝日新聞社,《宋磁 : 神品とよばれたやきもの》,東京,1999
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Osaka Mitsukoshi Department Store, Ataka                    年,78頁,圖41。
korekushon: chugoku toji meihin ten (Masterpieces of Old Chinese                  佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2012
Ceramics from Ataka Collection), November 1972.                                   年,96-97頁,編號35。
Asahi Shimbun, Song Ceramics, Tokyo, 6 March to 13 April 1999;
Osaka, 25 April to 13 June 1999; Hagi, 20 June to 15 August 1999.                 這件紫金釉梅瓶出自舉世聞名的安宅收藏。安宅收藏建立於上世紀
Christie’s, The Classical Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of               5,60年代,為安宅產業株式會社會長安宅英一建立起的東洋瓷器
Song Treasures from the Linyushanren Colletion, Hong Kong,                        收藏。其藏品超過一千件,囊括唐宋名窯,明清瓷器以及高麗、朝
22 to 27 November 2012; New York, 15 to 20 March 2013;                            鮮瓷器,以其嚴格的選件標準享譽收藏界。
London, 10 to 14 May 2013.
LITERATURE                                                                        磁州窯,河南當陽峪窯,以及陝西耀州窯。本件梅瓶造型優美,
Koyama Fujio, ed., Sekai Toji Zenshu (Collection of World’s                       釉色深沉,釉面具有金屬光澤,為紫金釉中的上品。紫金釉梅瓶
Ceramics), vol. 10: China Sung and Liao Dynasties, Tokyo, 1956,                   數量稀少,可資參照者僅有數例,哈佛大學美術館藏有一例載於
no. 13.                                                                           R. D. Mowry,《Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Ataka korekushon: chugoku toji meihin ten                   Feathers: Chinese Brown-and Black Glazed Ceramics, 400-
(Masterpieces of Old Chinese Ceramics from Ataka Collection),                     1400》 , 劍橋, 1996年,123-124頁, 編號24。一件器腹圓鼓
Tokyo, 1972, no. 14.                                                              尺寸稍大的例子為Herbert Ingram爵士 (1875-1958) 舊藏,2014
Koyama Fujio, Toji taikei (Compendium of Ceramics), vol. 38:                      年5月29日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品3323號。韓國國家博物館藏有
tenmoku, Tokyo, 1974, pl. 62.                                                     一件尺寸稍小,器形較圓鼓的例子,載於長谷部樂爾著作1977年東
Asahi Shimbun, Song Ceramics, Tokyo, 1999, p. 78, no. 41.                         京出版《世界陶磁全集》,卷12: 宋,圖123。亦可參照東京出光
Christie’s, The Classical Age of Chinese Ceramics: An Exhibition of Song          美術館收藏的一件紫金釉矮梅瓶,載於1987年東京出版《出光美術
Treasures from the Linyushanren Colletion, Hong Kong, 2012,                       館品圖錄:中国陶磁》,圖112。
pp. 96-97, no. 35.
This elegant and rare persimmon-glazed meiping was formerly in
the world-renowned Ataka Collection, formed by Ataka Eiichi
(1901-1994). The Ataka Collection features about 1,000 pieces of
Asian ceramics, and is celebrated for its exceptional quality.

The persimmon glaze was produced at several northern kilns in the
Song dynasty and was highly admired for the attractive sheen on
the surface. Persimmon-glazed meiping are very rare and only a few
comparable examples are known. A closely related example is in
the Harvard University Art Museums, illustrated by R. D. Mowry,
Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers: Chinese Brown-and
Black Glazed Ceramics, 400-1400, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996,
pp. 123-124, no. 24. A slightly taller example with narrower
shoulders, formerly in the collection of Sir Herbert Ingram
(1875-1958), was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 May 2014,
lot. 3323. A shorter and more globular vase is in the National
Museum of Korea, Seoul, and is illustrated by Gakuji Hasebe,
Sekai Toji Zenshu, vol. 12, Tokyo, 1977, pl. 123. See, also, the
truncated meiping in the Idemitsu Museum of Art, illustrated in
Chinese Ceramics in the Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo, 1987, pl. 112.

The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(二)
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