Page 18 - How I Find $100k or More In Any Business in 90 Minutes - Mark Cupp
P. 18
Suppose the florist offered this informational offer in their marketing, “5
Things Every Bride Should Know to Avoid Disaster on Their Wedding Day”.
This offer would place TONS of prospects into their drip campaign and result
in a tremendous increase in sales. Those new sales can then be referred to
their new JV partners and they collect multiple referral fees every month.
This would absolutely dwarf the revenue we just uncovered for the florist in
this example. What I find really exciting about JV’s is this is a strategy I help
my clients implement immediately… and it begins generating instant cash
flow for them right out of the gate.
In a recent case study I conducted, I found $75,000 in additional annual
revenue just using the JV strategy.
And again, that’s revenue that business will generate year after year after
$75,000 in additional annual revenue increases the valuation of that business
somewhere in the range of $225,000 - $300,000.