Page 2 - KG I H Kritika Speedo e-Portfolio
P. 2
\ Delhi Private School Dubai
0 t 05/05/2019 I 4:04 I Girl
• KRITIKA is developing sound phoneme awareness.
• Sharing reading material with KRITIKA that is linked to her interests will help to build her positive disposition
towards books and reading.
• Assess KRITIKA to find out their secure and emerging knowledge of phoneme/grapheme correspondence.
• KRITIKA should continue to develop phoneme awareness by following a synthetic phonics programme,
entering the scheme at the appropriate level.
Monitor KRITIKA's progress through the phonics scheme to check she continues to acquire phoneme
knowledge and is able to manipulate phonemes to read and write simple words
Support KRITIKA's phonic acquisition and manipulation with phonic reading books matched to her ability.
• Support KRITIKA's reading for meaning through discussion of familiar texts.
• KRITIKA has very good language skills and you should be able to observe her expressing needs and
interests in a clear, articulate manner.
• Continue to develop KRITIKA's language skills through the use of past, present and future tenses.
• Give KRITIKA access to new and interesting vocabulary for her to experiment with, linked to learning or
topics, and to develop her own narratives and use when connecting her ideas in learning.
• Ensure KRITIKA has access to a good quality range of texts that meet her interests and encourage KRITIKA
to share these books with adults at school and at home to extend vocabulary and language levels.
• KRITIKA already has a good basic understanding of maths so continue to provide challenging opportunities
that can enhance and further develop mathematical concepts and understanding.
• Ensure KRITIKA's mathematics continues to develop through direct teaching of number and shape, space
and measure. Activities can be play-based and provide progression, extension and challenge with a mix of
adult-led and child-initiated activity.
h'\.. Develop KRITIKA's understanding of how to work with number and problem solve through a range of
� challenging contexts.
• Develop KRITIKA's mark making and allow her to develop her own ways of recording problems and solVtng
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