Page 7 - KG I H Kritika Speedo e-Portfolio
P. 7
Early Learning Goals Summary
21 Extends 21Can usually about what they 24Uses shapes plants and 31Engages in
Early vocabulary, manage washing have read. appropriately for explain why imaginative role-play
Learning Goal especially by and drying hands. tasks. some things based on own first-
11 Children grouping and 22Dresses with Writing 25 Beginning to occur, and talk hand experiences.
naming, exploring
talk about the meaning and help, e.g. puts arms 22Ascribes talk about the about changes. 32 Builds stories
how they and sounds of new into open-fronted meanings to shapes of everyday around toys, e.g. farm
others show words. coat or shirt when marks that they objects, Technology animals needing
feelings, talk held up, pulls up see in different e.g. ‘round’ and 15Knows how to rescue from an
about their 22 Uses language to own trousers, and places ‘tall’. operate simple armchair ‘cliff’.
own and imagine and pulls up zipper 23Gives 26 Beginning to use equipment, e.g. 33 Uses available
others’ recreate roles and once it is fastened meaning to mathematical turns on CD resources to create
behaviour, experiences in play at the bottom. marks they names for ‘solid’ player and uses props to support role-
and its situations. 23Eats a healthy make as they 3D shapes and remote control. play.
consequences, 23Links statements range of draw, write and ‘flat’ 2D shapes, 16 Shows an 34 Captures
and know and sticks to a main foodstuffs and paint. and mathematical interest in experiences and
that some theme or intention. understands need 24Begins to terms to describe technological responses with a
behaviour is 24Uses talk to for variety in break the flow shapes. toys with knobs range of media, such
unacceptable. organise, sequence food. of speech into or pulleys, or as music, dance and
They work as and clarify thinking, 24Usually dry words. 27Selects a real objects such paint and other
part of a ideas, feelings and particular named as cameras or materials or words.
group or events. and clean during 25Continues a shape. mobile phones.
class, and the day. rhyming string. 28Can describe 35 Create simple
understand 25Introduces a 25Shows some 26Hears and their relative 17Shows skill in representations of
and follow storyline or understanding says the initial position such as making toys events, people and
the rules. narrative into their that good sound in ‘behind’ or ‘next work by pressing objects.
They adjust play. practices with words. to’. parts or lifting 36 Initiates new
their regard to 29Orders two or flaps to achieve combinations of
behaviour to Early Learning exercise, eating, 27Can segment effects such as movement and
the sounds in
different Goal sleeping and simple words three items by sound, gesture in order to
situations, 26 Children express hygiene can and blend them length or height. movements or express and respond
and take contribute to together. 30Orders two items new images. to feelings, ideas and
changes of themselves good health. by weight or 18Knows that
routine in effectively, showing 26Shows 28Links capacity. information can experiences.
their stride. awareness of understanding of sounds to