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P. 6

Early Learning Goals Summary

        Managing                                  effectively to        their            21 Children count        living things and  24Children sing
        feelings and    Speaking                  form recognisable     experiences of   reliably with            the environment.  songs, make music
        behavior          15Questions why         letters, most of      books.           numbers from one        13Looks closely     and dance, and
        8 Understands     things happen and       which are             19Enjoys an      to 20, place them in    at similarities,    experiment with
        that own          gives explanations.     correctly formed.     increasing       order and say which     differences,        ways of changing
        actions affect    Asks                                          range of books.  number is one more      patterns and        them. They safely
        other people,     e.g. who, what,        Early Learning         20Knows that     or one less than a      change.             use and explore a
        for example,      when, how.             Goal                   information      given number.                               variety of materials,
        becomes upset                           19 Children show        can be           Using quantities and                        tools and techniques,
        or tries to       16Uses a range of     good control and        retrieved from   objects, they add       Early Learning      experimenting with
        comfort           tenses (e.g. play,    co-ordination in        books and        and subtract two        Goal                colour, design,
        another child     playing, will play,   large and small         computers.       single-digit numbers     14 Children        texture, form and
        when they         played).              movements. They       Early Learning     and count on or          know about         function.
        realise they      17Uses intonation,    move confidently                         back to find the         similarities and
        have upset        rhythm and            in a range of ways,   Goal               answer. They solve       differences in
        them.             phrasing to make      safely negotiating    21 Children        problems, including      relation to        Being Imaginative
        9Aware of the     the meaning clear to  space. They           read and           doubling, halving        places, objects,   25Developing
        boundaries        others.               handle equipment      understand         and sharing.                                preferences for forms
        set, and of       18Uses vocabulary     and tools             simple             Shape, space and         materials and      of expression.
        behavioural       focused on objects    effectively,          sentences. They    measure                  living things.     26 Uses movement to
        expectations      and people that are   including pencils     use phonic                                  They talk about    express feelings.
        in the setting.    of particular        for writing.          knowledge to         22Shows interest in    the features of     27 Creates movement

        10Beginning       importance to them.                         decode regular       shape by sustained     their own          in response to music.
        to be able to     19Builds up           Health and self-      words and read       construction           immediate          28 Sings to self and
        negotiate and     vocabulary that       care                  them aloud           activity or by         environment        makes up simple
        solve             reflects the breadth    20Gains more        accurately.          talking about          and how            songs.
        problems          of their experiences.   bowel and           They also read       shapes or              environments       29 Makes up rhythms.
        without         20 Uses talk in           bladder control     some common          arrangements.          might vary         30 Notices what
        aggression,                               and can attend to   irregular words.     23Shows interest in    from one           adults do, imitating
        e.g. when       pretending that           toileting needs     They                 shapes in the                             what is observed and
        someone has     objects stand for         most of the time    demonstrate                                 another. They      then doing it
        taken their     something else in         themselves.         understanding        environment.           make               spontaneously when
        toy.            play, e,g, ‘This box is                       when talking                                observations of
                        my castle.’                                   with others                                 animals and        the adult is not there.

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