Page 8 - KG I H Kritika Speedo e-Portfolio
P. 8

Early Learning Goals Summary

                         listeners’ needs.        the need for          letters, naming    31Uses familiar        be retrieved from   37 Chooses particular
                         They use past,           safety when           and sounding       objects and            computers          colours to use for a
                         present and future       tackling new          the letters of     common shapes to       19Completes a      purpose.
                         forms accurately         challenges, and       the alphabet.      create and recreate    simple program     38 Introduces a
                         when talking about       considers and         29Uses some        patterns and build     on a computer.     storyline or narrative
                                                  manages some
                         events that have         risks.                clearly                                   20Uses ICT         into their play.
                         happened or are to       27Shows               identifiable       32Uses everyday        hardware to        39 Plays alongside
                                                                        letters to
                                                                                                                                     other children who
                         happen in the            understanding of      communicate        language related to    interact with age-  are engaged in the
                         future. They             how to transport      meaning,           time.                  appropriate        same theme.
                         develop their own        and store             representing       33Beginning to use     computer           40Plays cooperatively
                         narratives and           equipment safely.     some sounds        everyday language      software.          as part of a group to
                         explanations by          28Practices some      correctly and in   related to money.                         develop and act out a
                         connecting ideas or      appropriate safety    sequence.          34Orders and          Early Learning      narrative.
                         events.                  measures without      30Writes own       sequences familiar    Goal
                                                  direct                name and other     events.                21Children         Early Learning Goal
                                                  supervision.          things such as     35Measures short       recognise that a
                                                                        labels,captions.   periods of time in     range of           41 Children use what
                                                 Early Learning         31Attempts to      simple ways.           technology is      they have learnt about
                                                 Goal                   write short                               used in places     media and materials
                                                29 Children know        sentences in      Early Learning          such as homes      in original ways,
                                                the importance for      meaningful        Goal                    and schools.       thinking about uses
                                                good health of          contexts.        36 Children use          They select and    and purposes. They
                                                physical exercise,                       everyday language        use technology     represent their own
                                                and a healthy diet,   Early Learning     to talk about size,      for particular     ideas, thoughts and
                                                and talk about        Goal               weight, capacity,        purposes.          feelings through
                                                ways to keep          32Children use     position, distance,                         design and
                                                healthy and safe.     their phonic       time and money to                           technology, art,
                                                They manage their     knowledge to       compare quantities                          music, dance, role
                                                own basic hygiene     write words in     and objects and to                          play and stories.
                                                and personal          ways which         solve problems.
                                                needs successfully,   match their        They recognise,
                                                including dressing                       create and describe
                                                                      spoken sounds.

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