Page 4 - Catalogue JT JIWA 2022
P. 4
4 Bulan di Amerika 1 / 4 Bulan di Amerika 2 /
4 Months in America 1 4 Months in America 2
Genre: Genre:
Travelogue (United Travelogue (United States
States of America) of America)
HAMKA resided in this greenbacks For HAMKA, travel the Arabian Peninsula,
Dollar state for merely four months, especially the city of Mecca and Medina,
yet he covered most of the big cities, to uncover the secrets behind the strength
observing countless issues and making of heart; travel the Americas for the
the best of the few opportunities that strength of mind. HAMKA wrote in his
came his way. From beautiful visages notes, “Within that vast expanse of land
of universities, opulent churches to encompassing an entire continent, there
verdant gardens, he made witness to lies issues that should be examined in a
the evolution of religion in this New thousand ways. All that in mere four short
World, one day at a time. At the end months! So, I sorted my goals for the
of his journey, HAMKA wrote: “When I journey here down to three main questions:
was a houseguest at Echols’, I saw for First, how likely are men and women to
myself a definite proof that humanity become inclined to religious life in this
in this world is one, just as kindness is second half of the 20th century? And what
also one.” will be Islam’s role in this matter? Secondly,
where will Indonesia, my homeland, be
positioned in international relations?
Thirdly, who exactly am I? What is my role
Di Tepi Sungai Dajlah / in this life?”
By the River of Tigris
Genre: Kenangan-Kenanganku Di
Travelogue (Iraq) Malaya / My Memories of
“Now, I have collected my thoughts of Genre:
the land I am to set my foot on. The Travelogue (Malaysia)
land of Iraq and its capital, Baghdad.
My mind flies back to the olden tales
and history read from countless The quantum of love HAMKA permeates
books, be it on the times of Islamic to the Malay world and its people is
prominence, or the famous 1001 unquestionable, even to the day Tanah
Nights. They remind me that ever Melayu declared independence from British
since ancient times, the Iand of Iraq, occupation in the year 1957, HAMKA
stretching from the northern edge followed suit in his revels, overcome with
of the Arabian Peninsula, near the emotions. With all his heart and soul, he
flowing rivers of Tigris and Euphrates, roared, “Oh, Hang Tuah! You were right
was a country that had borne witness and it is the truth: The Malays will not
to over a thousand years of history.” vanish from this land!” In conjunction with
This book compiles Buya Hamka’s this historical event, HAMKA penned his
expedition to the city of Baghdad, Iraq overflowing feelings, and records a wide
in 1950. Previously published in 1952 expanse of Malay history, his personal
by GAPURA N.V. in Jakarta. experiences, the sense of unity he felt, and
3 his hopes for the future of the Malay world.